HetSys Events Calendar
WCPM: Monica Riva (Politecnico di Milano)
Title: Flow and transport: the role of Sub-Gaussian features in porous systems
Speaker: Monica Riva (Politecnico di Milano)
Many hydrological (as well as diverse earth, environmental, ecological, biological, physical, social, financial and other) variables exhibit frequency distributions that are difficult to reconcile with those of their spatial or temporal increments. In porous systems, there is growing evidence that log hydraulic conductivity, Y, increments deviate more and more from a Gaussian distribution as separation distance scales (lags) between corresponding pairs of values diminish. This and a variety of related statistical scaling phenomena are captured by the generalized sub-Gaussian model (GSG). The extend at which Sub-Gaussianity of Y can impact main features of flow and transport in diverse settings is analysed and discussed.