HetSys Staff Student Liason Committee
The HetSys Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) exists to represent the views of students within the CDT and encourage a sense of community.
To get in touch with the SSLC please email them via HetSys@warwick.ac.uk
The committee consists of representatives from each year of PhD students, as well as a Chair and Secretary. Items discussed include but are not limited to academic progress, safety, library and IT provision, teaching, careers and skills and social events
Meetings are held once a term. An invitation with details of where the meeting will be held is sent by email prior to each meeting to the entire HetSys student body; this information can also be found in the sidebar to the right. All HetSys students are welcome to attend or submit their views or agenda items via their course representatives. Refreshments are provided free of charge.
This HetSys SSLC is part of the University SSLC network, including the Physics Postgraduate SSLC, which has produced an effective system of academic representation and feedback for students across the institution.
HetSys SSLC Contacts
Academic Convenor
Chair - vacant
Secretary - vacant
Cohort 3 - vacant
Cohort 4 - Chantal Baer
Cohort 5 - Roman Shantsila, Matt Christensen
Cohort 6 - Luca Seaford