PhonIon: Modelling ultrafast THz pump-X-ray probe spectroscopies for ion dynamics in batteries

PhonIon: Modelling ultrafast THz pump-X-ray probe spectroscopies for ion dynamics in batteries
While we as humans are used to seconds and hours, electrons and atoms in materials move a whole lot faster around a million-billionths of a second (femtosecond). X-ray free-electron lasers (XFEL) are a powerful tool to watch material dynamics on these timescales but how to design and interpret XFEL experiments remains challenging.This project will develop and apply new computational/analytical tools to guide XFEL experiments for specifically tracking lattice fluctuations and ion dynamics in energy materials (batteries). The project will involve close links to experimentalists with the chance to test out results at leading XFEL facilities in Europe/USA.
Outcomes will include an enhanced understanding of stochastic processes like ion hops in battery solid-electrolyte materials, and new XFEL methodologies/interpretation tools that can be used by the community.
Primary: Dr Raj Pandya, Chemistry
Prof. Nicholas Hine, Physics
Prof. Reinhard Maurer, Chemistry
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Femtoseconds and faster are the natural timescale of electrons and ions in materials. Over the last 40 years (Nobel Prizes in 1993 and 2024), scientists have developed exquisite laser-based tools for tracking material dynamics on these timescales. The problem is such methods (i) typically lack simultaneous nanoscopic spatial resolution, which is necessary to track individual atomic motions, and (ii) are unable to capture stochastic events like ion-hops or lattice fluctuations which often dictate material properties.
In recent years ultrafast X-ray free electron laser (XFELs) have been developed that have the potential to alleviate the two above challenges and follow random processes in materials with nanometre spatial resolution and up-to attosecond time resolution. These XFELs are especially well suited to studying process like ion hops which govern the charging rates battery materials, and lattice fluctuations which drive phase changes in these systems that dictate their durability.
One bottleneck however is the complexity of the design and interpretation of XFEL experiments. This primarily stems from the challenging materials (large/disordered unit-cells, long sampling timescales) and light-matter interactions involved. Consequently, computational tools, rooted in physics, that can predict and rationalise XFEL observables are desperately needed such that XFEL results can reach their full potential.
This research aims to utilise the latest advances of computational methods (machine learning potentials) and analytical calculation methods (quantum dynamics) to develop robust methods for predicting and interpreting observables from XFEL experiments. It will particularly focus around THz pump, X-ray diffraction probe experiments used to capture ultrafast ion ‘hops’ in battery solid-electrolytes and X-ray photon correlation spectroscopies being implemented to elucidate lattice fluctuations in these systems. But the methodologies developed be applicable to a wide range of materials, making impactful tools for the scientific community. The models and predictions in the project will be tested against real experimental data and used to drive the design of new XFEL experiments.
- Understanding of the ion hopping mechanism in battery solid-electrolyte materials by modelling XFEL experiments that measure changes in lattice structure of battery solid-electrolytes after driving of an ion hop.
- Tools for the predication and interpretation of signals in X-ray photon correlation experiments designed used to measure fluctuating lattice dynamics around phase transitions in battery electrodes.
- Design of new XFEL experimental geometries, accounting for material properties and X-ray light-matter interactions, to capture fluctuating chemical processes in material systems.
- Robust software that can be used by other XFEL users that leverages the latest advances in scientific machine learning and pen-and-paper methods.
How to apply
This is a fully-funded 4-year PhD position based in the HetSys Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Warwick. All applications must be made through the University's postgraduate application form with a deadline of 20 January 2025. Please see our How to ApplyLink opens in a new window page for further details on the application process. For further information about student funding, the integrated HetSys training programme and what life is like in the HetSys CDT, please visit the Study with Us page.