Brassica seed distribution
Availability and distribution of the Brassica DFFSs and mapping populations
Materials Transfer Agreement
The University of Warwick is committed to distributing seed for the DFFSs under a standard Materials Transfer Agreement.
Please ask for details.
The DFFSs currently being developed at the University of Warwick are intended to be public access resources.
This refers primarily to the fixed lines, but in some instances founder seed or S1 seed (from the first generation of selfing) are also available.
The DFFSs require considerable cost and effort to develop. If the use of a well characterised, structured sampleof the genetic diversity in a genepool is integral to your research, we suggest an appropriate acknowledgement
of the work done to develop the DFFS may be to include the person responsible at the University of Warwick as
a co-author on the first paper describing the use of the DFFS. By this we are not intending to attach any strings
and if we have no further involvement in future publications then an acknowledgement/reference to the original
paper would be sufficient.
We would of course very much welcome collaborative follow up research.
Distribution is subject to availability and, for the fixed lines, will depend on progress through the fixing process.
The current status and availability can be obtained by contacting Graham Teakle. Link opens in a new window
DNA is available for most of the DFFS founder lines and will be for the fixed lines in due course. This will be GenomiPhiTM amplified DNA in the range of 100-500 ng.
A small handling charge will be charged for requests of DNA - please contact Graham Teakle for details.
Unfortunately, due to the considerable cost in generating seed for these populations, we have to make a charge to cover the cost of replacement of the seed in order to ensure future availability.
These charges are currently:
A starter pack of seed of the Brassica napus diversity set (BnaDFFS) (approx. 0.5 g dependent upon seed availability) is currently available without charge.
£50 per line for self-incompatible populations for a starter pack of seed (5-25 seed, depending on availability)
Recipients are then free to regenerate further seed to meet their future requirements.