CH948 Transferable skills
Coordinator nominated by the course director: Bjorn Stinner
CH948 is designed to be integrated with all the modules and research work you undertake during your MSc. Its aim is to help you realise the skills that you have learned during your MSc that 'transfer' across the boundaries of any particular module. Its content is the kind of skills that future employers whether in academia or industry or elsewhere are concerned about. The CDT puts considerable weight on students being equipped to apply research-based, organisational and presentation skills in a broad range of contexts. In the MSc year this is within this core transferable skills module, and for the PhD years there is a self-standing transferable skills certificate.
Six assignment define the work you need to complete for CH948. Most of the items should be covered by the activities set up in the MASDOC MSc programme. Below is a brief description of each assignment, some suggestions of how to fulfill them, and up to when they should be completed. After completion, each part has to be signed by a member of staff on the special forms below. If you are in any doubt about what is required you should see your MSc course director or the module leader (generally, also the nominated transferable skills coordinator may take over such duties).
Submitted material must be legible. Where appropriate there should be documentary evidence in your portfolio though you may simply refer to material submitted as part of the MSc programme (e.g., items of the RSG module are important).
The external examiner will be the final assessor on this pass/fail module. The module is required for you to pass your MSc!
Here is the workbook for MASDOC students including the special forms.
Further information can be found on the following page (note that the workbook provided there is for other CDT's):
Deadline for folder submission is Thu 4 June 2014, 2.30pm. Submissions should be made to Deborah Walker.
1) General introduction to graduate studies at Warwick
This includes all the timetabled required activities at the beginning of the year including safety, library, and computing. Students who have an MMath or BSc from Warwick are viewed as having already completed the library induction. For other students the library provides an induction at the beginning of the first term.
Time: During the induction and the first week of term one.
Signed by: MSc course director or module leader.
2) Team development
This includes a review of experiences during a team activity from the induction week and a follow up session. Note that you also need to have it signed off and should do that during the event itself.
Time: First part during the induction week, follow up meeting around week five of term one.
Signed by: Organiser of the team activity
3) Weekly seminar attendance and ability to discuss seminar content critically
This requires your regular attendance at a seminar series, your participation and talking to speakers.
MASDOC students are required to attend regularly the weekly Applied Maths or Statistics seminars. You should interact with at least one external speaker, and demonstrate you ability to discuss seminar content critically with an academic member of staff, e.g., the host of the speaker. Ask the academic to sign the form for you.
You need to make an opportunity for these activities! A good one should present itself during the MASDOC lunch after the applied maths seminar. The RSG MIR@W days to introduce the RSG topics present further opportunities.
Time: Get at least two signatures during the first term. Since there are hardly any talks during term three you should complete this by the end of term two.
Signed by: Academic staff for individual seminars, MSc course director or module leader for completion of the list.
4) Preparation for departmental or group-related activity
This requires you to have played a role in the practical preparing for an event and to have carried through that preparation into a contribution to the actual event/activity. This is in addition to any academic/technical/scientific contribution you make. Examples comprise the MASDOC lunch preparation, the retreat, or RSG meetings.
Time: After the retreat in term three you should have completed this task.
Signed by: MSc course director or module leader.
5) Presenting scientific work and assessing colleagues
Address varied audiences by a website, by a poster, by writing a thesis, by giving a talk, but also assess colleagues. These items are covered within the RSG module. An academic member of staff, ideally one of the RSG leaders, needs to sign you off on these.
Time: With the last activity in the RSG module you should have completed this task.
Signed by: RSG leader.
6) Selection of your activities which involve interaction and elements of leadership
Activities are to be confirmed by a discussion with the MSc course director. These could include SSLC, student supervision, MASDOC recruitment activities, course newsletter, courses such as provided by the graduate school, EPSRC activities, social activity and organisation etc.
Time: End of term two at the latest.
Signed by: MSc course director or module leader.