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Lloyd Connellan

About Me

I am a final year MASDOC student at Warwick. I am from West Sussex and I studied for my MMath degree in Mathematics at the University of Surrey, where my final year project was on Spheres, Hyperspheres and Quaternions. My MSc project at MASDOC was on Transparent Boundary Conditions Applied to Atmospheric Problems. I was also in the Research Study Group that looked at PDEs on Manifolds.


My research interests lie primarily in numerical analysis, specifically in problems involving partial differential equations. My supervisor is Dr. Andreas Dedner and we are currently working on a module for DUNE called dune-fempy that provides a simple python interface for solving PDEs.

Recently I have been researching nonvariational equations, which are PDEs that cannot be reduced to a weak formulation. Examples include the Monge–Ampère equation and the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. For further reading see here.


I'm a teaching assistant for the Scientific Computing module C1. I was also previously an assistant for TCC courses at Warwick, and in my second year I supervised first year maths students.


Office: B3.04
