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Matthew Dickson


Originally from Newbury in Berkshire, Matthew graduated with a MMath from the University of Cambridge, and is currently in the third year of his PhD studies (fourth year MASDOC). He is working with Dr Stefan Adams on using large deviation techniques to study Bose-Einstein condensation in interacting systems.

In his undergraduate degree, Matthew focussed on theoretical physics (being particularly interested in statistical physics), and in the Masters' year of MASDOC he took more modules in probability, statistics and scientific computing. This Masters' year also involved two research projects:

  • Working with Prof. Wilfrid Kendall, Dr Sayan Banerjee, and three other MASDOC students on multi-server queuing systems. We studied the extent to which the moments of the job-size distribution are insufficient for describing the expected waiting time in a M/G/K queue.
  • Working with Dr Stefan Adams on my Summer Research Project: Equivalence of Ensembles for Mean Field Bose Gases.


  • Adams, S. and Dickson, M., "Large deviation analysis for classes of interacting Bosonic cycle counts", preprint arXiv:1809.03387 (2018).
  • Adams, S. and Dickson, M., "An explicit large deviation analysis of the spatial cycle Huang-Yang-Luttinger model", preprint arXiv:1912.09544 (2019).

Talks & Posters:

  • 2016/2017

    • Poster: "Large Deviation Principles for Bose Gasses" at the joint DTC (MIGSAA, CCA, OxPDE, MASDOC) student colloquium, held at Heriot Watt (18 - 21 April 2017). Same poster at MASDOC annual retreat (19-21 June 2017).

    • Talk: "Bose-Einstein Condensation in Random Loop Soup Models" at MASDOC annual retreat (20 June 2017).

  • 2017/2018

    • Talk: "Brownian Bridges and Bosons" at the Warwick Postgraduate Seminar (31 January 2018).

    • Talk: "Large Deviation Principles for Interacting Bose Gases" at MASDOC annual retreat (30 April 2018).

    • Talk: "Large Deviation Principles for Bosonic Random Permutations" at Lancaster Probability Days (22 May 2018).

  • 2018/2019

    • Talk: "Large Deviations and Loop Soups: HYL-type Interactions" at MASDOC annual retreat (10 May 2019) and a longer version at Warwick Statistical Mechanics Seminar (30 May 2019).
    • Talk: "Large Deviation Principles for Bosonic Random Permutations" at Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (10 September 2019).


  • 2016/17: Teaching Assistant for ST208: Mathematical Methods, ST202: Stochastic Processes. Also maths supervisor for three 1st year Maths and Physics undergraduate groups.
  • 2017/18: Supervisor for two 2nd year Mathematics undergraduate groups.
  • 2018/19: Teaching Assistant for ST208: Mathematical Methods. Also maths supervisor for a 1st year Data Science undergraduate group.
  • 2019/20: Teaching Assistant for MA359: Measure Theory, MA397: Consolidation.


  • Matthew's non-mathematical interests include playing racket sports, fencing foil and épée (badly), and playing strategy computer games (very badly).


