Study at MASDOC
Research focus
• Analysis which provides the language and tools for mathematical formulations, well-posedness and qualitative study of models of continuum phenomena in large multi-scale and multi-physics applications.
• Partial differential equations which are used in mathematical models in physics, biology and social sciences and are fundamental to differential geometry.
• Computation and Numerical Analysis for the numerical simulation of complex models. The design of good computational methods is a significant mathematical challenge requiring the interplay between analysis and computing in the context of applications.
• Probability and stochastic analysis to provide a detailed and rigorous understanding of the behaviour of complex stochastic models motivated by applications.
• Statistical Applied Mathematics for inference in both deterministic and stochastic models, exploiting the increasing volume and quality of data now routinely available in many areas of science and technology.
The structure of the programme
There are two Phases to the PhD programme. Phase 1 is a research training programme which prepares students for completing their PhD in Phase 2. Mathematical training continues beyond the first year, and students become involved in research activity from the outset. Elements of the programme include research study groups, an annual conference, weekly seminars and international engagement through graduate schools and short research visits to international partners.
Phase 1
Phase 1 combines taught modules with research training in the first half of the first year. There is a wide choice of modules across the MASDOC research areas. The idea is to prepare students for embarking on a PhD research project. It allows students to choose possible PhD topics and supervisors. Phase 1 ends with a written summer research project directly leading onto a PhD research topic. Successful students are awarded a MASDOC MSc at the end of Year 1.
Phase 2
- Research and PhD dissertation
- Further training through a tailored choice of graduate courses, TCC and APTS courses
- Weekly seminars by leading researchers
- Informal presentations of research to peers
- MASDOC MiR@W: engagement with emerging "Hot Topics"
- International engagement through graduate schools and short research visits to international partners
- All MASDOC PhD students will be enrolled on the Warwick Interdisciplinary Science Transferable Skills Certificate
- MASDOC annual retreat