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MA3K0 High Dimensional Probability

Lecturer: Roger Tribe

Term(s): Term 2

Status for Mathematics students:

Commitment: 10 x 3 hour lectures + 9 x 1 hour support classes

Assessment: Assessed homework sheets (15%) and Summer exam (85%)

Formal registration prerequisites: None

Assumed knowledge: Basic probability theory: random variables, law of large numbers, Chebycheff inequality, distribution functions, expectation and variance, Bernoulli distribution, normal distribution, Poisson distribution, exponential distribution, de Moivre Laplace theorem e.g. ST111 Probability A & ST112 Probability B.

Some basic skills in analysis: MA258 Mathematical Analysis III or MA259 Multivariate Calculus or ST208 Mathematical Methods or MA244 Analysis III. The module works in Euclidean vector space ${R}^n $ , so norm, basic inequalities, scalar product, linear mappings and matrix algebra (eigenvalues, eigenvectors, singular values etc) are relevant.

Useful background: Know what a a probability measure/distribution is. Earlier probability modules will be of some use but not necessary. The framework is some mild probability theory (e.g. ST202 Stochastic Processes). Know what the Central Limit Theorem is (de Moirvre Laplace for general random variables).

Synergies: In general the module is a mathematical basis for machine learning, data science and random matrix theory. The following modules provide some synergies and connections:

There are also strong links and thus suitable combinations to the following modules:

Leads to: The following modules have this module listed as assumed knowledge or useful background:


  • Preliminaries on Random Variables (limit theorems, classical inequalities, Gaussian models, Monte Carlo)
  • Concentrations of Sums of Independent Random Variables
  • Random Vectors in High Dimensions
  • Random Matrices
  • Concentration for variables with dependency
  • Geometric examples of concentration
  • Suprema of random processes and fields


    We will follow the 23/24 lecture notes of Dr Stefan Adams. Themselves these are drawn largely from the recent texts

    [1] Roman Vershynin, High-Dimensional Probability: An Introduction with Applications in Data Science, Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics, (2018).

    [2] Martin Wainwright, High dimensional Statistics: A non-asymptotic viewpoint. CUP, 2019.

    Additional Resources