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WMI Lockdown Masterclasses on Mathematical Thinking

for children, teens, and their adults


Organised by Minhyong Kim, Christopher Zeeman Professor of Algebra, Geometry, and Public Understanding of Mathematics


What are the WMI Lockdown Masterclasses on Mathematical Thinking?

It’s hard to get an overall sense of the many challenges facing people in all sectors of society whilst the threat of pandemic remains with us. However, as mathematicians and teachers, one immediate difficulty it’s hard not to be aware of is that of educators and parents, who must minister to the learning needs of children and teens without access to customary resources. The WMI Lockdown Masterclasses aim to enable members of the Warwick Mathematical Institute to aid in the educational process a bit during these difficult times. We will be offering online master classes on inspirational topics with the intention of introducing students in school to the various aspects of mathematical thinking. Each session will come with a description of the target audience, although it need not be interpreted as a restriction. Initially, we are advertising these classes to the Warwick community. However, they are open to all.

Since schools are restarting, we will schedule future sessions as the need arises. Check this page for announcements of future events.