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Dr Matthew Butler

  Matt Butler picture

Dr Matthew Butler

Research Fellow
Office: B2.34
Phone: +44 (0)24 767 3512
Email: Matthew dot Butler at warwick dot ac dot uk

I am a research fellow working with Tom Montenegro-Johnson on microscale soft active matter.

Our project aims to understand how we can control the size change of certain swellable soft materials (hydrogels), and how this can be exploited to generate designed shape changes in components for use in microbots and microfluidic devices.

Research Interests

Broadly, I enjoy making fundamental mathematical models of complex real-world system, and working on projects that combine theory and experiments. My main topics of interest are:

  • Poro-elasticity, hydrogel dynamics and swelling
  • Surface tension problems, elasticity and elasto-capillarity
  • Artificial microswimmers, micro-components and microfluidics
  • Fluid dynamics, particularly viscous flows and lubrication theory
  • Mathematical modelling, mechanics and asymptotic methods



Sticking with droplets: Mathematical modelling of capillary adhesion, University of Oxford
Submitted in 2020, supervised by Dominic Vella

Non-academic publications

Sticking with Droplets: How Having a Soft Foot Can Improve Capillary Adhesion
Mathematics Today (magazine article) from 2019