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Dr Christian Böhning



Dr Christian Böhning

Associate Professor/Reader
 Office: B1.34
Phone: +44 (0)24 76574827
Email: C dot Boehning at warwick dot ac dot uk

Teaching Responsibilities 2023/24:

Term 2: MA266 Multilinear Algebra , MA9N5 Topics in Algebra

Research Interests: Algebraic geometry, representation and invariant theory, derived category methods in birational geometry, birational automorphism groups

Macaulay2 files for "Equivariant birational types and derived categories"

Macaulay2 files for "Formats of 6x6 skew matrices of linear forms with vanishing Pfaffian"

Lecture Notes: MA4A5 Algebraic Geometry (spring term 2021)

MA3H5 Manifolds (autumn term 2020)

Curriculum Vitae(link to Google Scholar Profile is here )

Some parts of a (growing) book on the rationality problem in invariant theory

Personal Homepage: