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Patterns, turbulence and waves: explorations off the beaten track in nonlinear science

A meeting in honour of the 70th birthday of Alan C. Newell

Warwick Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick

July 09 - 10, 2012

Organisers: Colm Connaughton and Sergey Nazarenko


From optics to ocean waves, turbulence to pattern formation, chaos theory to solitons, most of the great leaps forward in the mathematical sciences in the modern era have hinged upon acquiring a quantitative appreciation of the consequences of nonlinearity in partial differential equations. Alan Newell has been at the forefront of this effort for almost 50 years. This meeting aims to bring together many of Alan's friends, colleagues, collaborators and others influenced by his work on the occassion of his 70th birthday , partly to review Alan's achievements to date but primarily to look to the future and gauge where nonlinear science is going from here.


Partial list of speakers

  • Ildar Gabitov (Arizona)
  • Yves Couder (Paris)
  • Sébastien Galtier (Paris)
  • Grisha Falkovich (Weizmann)
  • Thanasis Fokas (Cambridge)
  • John Gibbon (Imperial)
  • Alejandro Aceves (SMU)
  • Zhen-Su She (Peking)
  • John Ockendon (Oxford)
  • Yves Pomeau (Paris)
  • Vladimir Zakharov (Arizona)


The programme for this meeting is available here.


You can register for this event here. (Please scroll down until you find the appropriate event and click the "continue" button.)

Very limited funds are available to assist with travel and accommodation expenses which we will be prioritizing towards younger participants. You can also request such assistance during the registration process.