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Professor Daniel Kráľ

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Daniel Kráľ

Joint appointment with Computer Science
Member of the DIMAP Centre

E-mail: D dot Kral at warwick dot ac dot uk (university business only)
dkral at fi dot muni dot cz (other professional agenda)

Teaching Responsibilities 2020/21: 

Please note that the e-mail address D dot Kral at warwick dot ac dot uk is inadvisable to be used for any correspondence not related to the business of the University of Warwick because of the internal rules concerning GDPR.

Research interests:
theory of combinatorial limits, extremal combinatorics, structural and algorithmic graph theory

Major research grants:
ERC Starting grant CCOSA, ERC Consolidator grant LADIST

Co-organized events
Workshop on Structural sparsity, logic and algorithms 2018, 10 Year Anniversary DIMAP Workshop 2017, Workshop in Honour of Mike Paterson's 75th Birthday 2017, Workshop on Algorithms, Logic and Structure 2016, 25th British Combinatorial Conference 2015, LMS-CMI Research school on Regularity and Analytic Methods in Combinatorics 2015, ICMS workshop on extremal combinatorics 2014, CCOSA Winter School 2013, CCOSA Fall School 2011

Selected publications

  • V. Cohen-Addad, M. Hebdige, D. Kráľ, Z. Li, E. Salgado: Steinberg's Conjecture is false, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 122 (2017), 452-456.
  • J. W. Cooper, D. Kráľ, T. Martins: Finitely forcible graph limits are universal, Advances in Mathematics 340 (2018), 819-854.
  • Z. Dvořák, D. Kráľ, R. Thomas: Testing first-order properties for subclasses of sparse graphs, Journal of ACM 60 (2013), article no. 5:36.
  • L. Esperet, F. Kardoš, A. King, D. Kráľ, S. Norine: Exponentially many perfect matchings in cubic graphs, Advances in Mathematics 227 (2011), 1646-1664.
  • R. Glebov, D. Kráľ, J. Volec: Compactness and finite forcibility of graphons, Journal of the EMS 21 (2019), 3199-3223.
  • A. Grzesik, D. Kráľ, L. M. Lovász: Elusive extremal graphs, Proceedings of the LMS 121 (2020), 1685-1736.
  • D. Kráľ, O. Pikhurko: Quasirandom permutations are characterized by 4-point densities, Geometric and Functional Analysis 23 (2013), 570-579.
  • D. Kráľ, O. Serra, L. Vena: A Removal Lemma for systems of linear equations over finite fields, Israel Journal of Mathematics 187 (2012), 193-207.

Further information: Personal homepage, Curriculum vitae, Full list of publications