Research School
Regularity and Analytic Methods in Combinatorics
LMS-CMI Research School
1-5 July 2015, University of Warwick

Peter Keevash (Oxford), Daniel Kráľ (Warwick), Oleg Pikhurko (Warwick) and Nick Woodhouse (CMI)
Course outline
The school covered three interlinked discrete mathematics topics with computer science applications, which all saw exciting developments in the last few years: the Regularity Method, Limits of Combinatorial Structures, and Property Testing.
The three main lecture course topics are:
- Regularity Methods (David Conlon, Oxford)
- Limits of Combinatorial Structures (Christian Borgs and Henry Cohn, Microsoft)
- Property Testing (Asaf Shapira, Tel-Aviv)
These lecture courses were supplemented by tutorial sessions.
The school also included three special more generally focused talks given by:
- Noga Alon (Tel Aviv)
- Christian Borgs (Microsoft)
- Ben Green (Oxford)
The school was colocated with the 25th British Combinatorial Conference, which immediately followed the school.
The detailed schedule of the school can be accessed here.
List of participants
Course material
Funding info
The school is generously supported by Clay Mathematics Institute and London Mathematical Society with additional support coming from European Research Council, Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, Warwick Mathematics Institute and Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications.