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Professor Bertram Düring

  Bertram Düring

Bertram Düring

Professor of Mathematics

Director of Graduate Studies, Mathematics

Director of Mathematics Centre for Doctoral Training

Office: C1.19


Teaching Responsibilities 2023/24:

Term 2: MA908 Partial Differential Equations in Finance

Research Interests: applied and computational partial differential equations: modelling, analysis, numerical analysis and optimal control, with a particular interest in applications from finance and socio-economics

Personal Homepage:

Selected recent publications:


  • Speaker in minisymposium Analysis and Numerical Computations for Kinetic Models at International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations, 15–19 July 2024, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Speaker at Dynamics and Complexity Pisa 2024, 5–8 June 2024, Pisa, Italy
  • Speaker in Imperial–UCL Numerics Seminar, 22 May 2024, London
  • Speaker at Symposium Collective Models for Networked Particle Systems, 16 April 2024, University of Pavia, Italy
  • Speaker at NDNS+ session, Netherlands Mathematical Congress 2024, 2–3 April 2024, Lunteren, Netherlands
  • Speaker at KineticNet 2nd workshop, 21–22 March 2024, Durham University
  • Speaker at workshop Modeling, analysis, and control of multi-agent systems across scales, 22–26 January 2024, Centro De Giorgi, Pisa, Italy
  • Speaker at workshop Gradient flows face-to-face 3, 11–14 September 2023, Lyon, France
  • Speaker in minisymposium Interfaces between kinetic equations and many-agent social systems at 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023), 20–25 August 2023, Tokyo, Japan
  • Co-organiser of minisymposium Many-agent systems and mean-field models for socio-economic and life sciences dynamics at 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023), 20–25 August 2023, Tokyo, Japan
  • Speaker at BIRS-CMO workshop Kinetic Equations: Recent Developments and Novel Applications, 30 October–4 November 2022, Casa Matemática Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
  • Speaker in minisymposium Structure preserving methods for evolution equations, Equadiff 15, 11–15 July 2022, Brno, Czech Republic
  • Speaker at workshop Contemporary trends in kinetic theory and nonlinear PDEs, 11–12 July 2022, Pavia, Italy
  • Speaker at workshop Frontiers in numerical analysis of kinetic equations, 23–27 May 2022, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge
  • Invited participant in Frontiers in kinetic theory: connecting microscopic to macroscopic scales – KineCon 2022 programme, 4 January–24 June 2022, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge

Recent research grants:

  • Royal Society International Exchanges Kinetic opinion formation models for digital societies (Co-I, PI: M.-T. Wolfram), 03/2022–07/2024
  • Travel grant LMS-8ECM, financed by London Mathematical Society, 03/2021
  • Novel discretisations for higher-order nonlinear PDE, Research Project Grant by The Leverhulme Trust (principal investigator), 09/2015–08/2019