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Dr Ed Hill


** From September 2024 I have begun a new role at the University of Liverpool. This webpage is no longer maintained. Please refer to my personal webpage: **

I am a Warwick Zeeman Lecturer in the Mathematics Institute and a member of the Zeeman Institute: Systems Biology & Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (SBIDER)Link opens in a new window group.

I am also a member of JUNIPER (Joint UNIversities Pandemic and Epidemiological Research)Link opens in a new window, a consortium of epidemiological modelling groups from eight universities: Bristol, Cambridge, Exeter, Lancaster, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), Manchester, Oxford and Warwick. The JUNIPER consortium is funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)Link opens in a new window. JUNIPER aims to embed scientific activities within an open and collaborative framework (including public outreach so that scientific assumptions and findings are effectively communicated), build national capacity and contribute to training the next generation of applied epidemiological modellers.

Teaching Responsibilities 2023/24:

Terms 1+2: MA4K8 Maths-in-Action and MA4K9 Research ProjectLink opens in a new window

Term 2: MA4E7 Population Dynamics: Ecology & EpidemiologyLink opens in a new window

Research Interests

Key topics of interest are:

  • Mathematical epidemiology
  • Control of infectious diseases
  • Bayesian inference
  • Public health

Research Profle

Previous and current work has undertaken problems in the following areas of mathematical epidemiology:

COVID-19 pandemic:Link opens in a new window Using real time data on the UK COVID-19 outbreak to provide robust predictions, gauging the ability of a model to predict future epidemic behaviour.
Livestock infection modelling:Link opens in a new window Predicting the differences between national-level and farmer-level optimisation of controls using mathematical models that combine disease spread and farmer behaviour.
Human disease modelling:Link opens in a new window Mathematical modelling and analysis of seasonal influenza to underpin vaccination policy for the Department of Health.
Zoonotic disease modelling:Link opens in a new window Influenza inhabits many hosts and has many strains, but there is a worrying gap in the modelling of spillover transmission from animals to humans. Looking at addressing the lack of established modelling tools that represent this interface, with the applied aim of aiding the design and performance assessment of control strategies for influenza among livestock and across the animal-human interface.

Social contagion:Link opens in a new window Spread of behaviour-linked health problems are amenable to being represented with methodological approaches typically used to model infectious diseases. We explore this with regards to depression, developing novel models that exploit the dynamical behaviour of mood over time to ascertain which mood states spread on social networks, via a contagion-like mechanism, and which do not.

Preprints and publications: See opens in a new window

Conferences and Scientific Meetings: See opens in a new window

Professional activities: See opens in a new window

Public engagement: See opens in a new window

Media Coverage: See opens in a new window

Photo of Ed Hill


Edward dot Hill at warwick dot ac dot uk


Room 5.09
Mathematical Sciences Building
University of Warwick


Personal webpage

Google ScholarLink opens in a new window

Research GateLink opens in a new window

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