Dr Emma Davis
Emma DavisWarwick Zeeman Lecturer Office: C2.01 |
Teaching Responsibilities 2023/24: MA147 Mathematical Methods and Modelling 1 (joint honours students)
Research Interests: I use mathematical models and statistical methods to analysis the dynamics of endemic and emerging diseases, including the surveillance and elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recent research grants:
- 2022/23: EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account. "Collaborating with national programmes to detect resurgence of the disease lymphatic filariasis in post-elimination settings through mosquito sampling: sensitivity and feasibility."
- 2022: Royal Society RAMP Outreach Award. "Epi with Emma: a popular science YouTube channel".
Most relevant recent publications:
- Davis, Crump, Medley, Solomon, Pemmaraju and Hollingsworth. “A modelling analysis of a new multi-stage pathway for classifying achievement of public health milestones for leprosy.” Phil Trans R Soc B (2023).
- Davis et al. “An analytically tractable, parity-structured model of the impact of vector control on mosquito-transmitted infections.” PLoS Comp Bio [under review].
- Iacovidou, Spencer and Davis. Non-invasive surveillance for vector-borne diseases: using an age-structured feeding cycle model to relate mosquito and human prevalence. [in preparation].
- Borlase, Le Rutte, … and Davis. “Evaluating and mitigating the potential indirect impact of COVID-19: a modelling study of programme interruptions for seven neglected tropical diseases.” The Lancet Global Health (2022).
- Davis and Lucas et al. “Contact tracing is an imperfect tool for controlling COVID-19 transmission and relies on population adherence.” Nature Communications (2021).
- Lucas and Davis et al. “Engagement and adherence trade-offs for SARS-CoV-2 contact tracing.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (2021).
- Davis, Prada, Reimer and Hollingsworth. “Modelling the Impact of Vector Control on Lymphatic Filariasis Programs: Current Approaches and Limitations.”Clinical Infectious Diseases (2021).
Recent awards & prizes:
- Weldon Memorial Prize - joint awardee (2022): Awarded to all members of SPI-M-O for "noteworthy contributions to the development of mathematical or statistical methods applied to problems in biology.
- SPI-M-O Award for Modelling and Data Support (2022): Awarded by the UK Department of Health and Social Care for an exceptional individual contribution to the work of SPI-M-O.
- Commendation, ONS Research Excellence Awards (2022): Commendation for public benefit and impact from the Office of National Statistics for modelling the effect of contact tracing during the pandemic.
- RAMP Early Career Investigation Award, The Royal Society (2021).
Personal Homepage: www.emmalouisedavis.co.uk