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Helena Verrill


Dr Helena Verrill

Assistant professor, with a focus on teaching and outreach

Office: B1.35
Phone: +44 (0)24 76523542

Teaching Responsibilities 2024/25:

Term 1: MA243, Geometry

Terms 1 and 2: MA3L3, Communicating Mathematics

Student opportunities:

  1. Third year essays, R projects and research URSS in number theory, group theory, algebraic geometry, combinatorial game theory.
  2. Outreach projects and opportunities, either one off or ongoing, paid or unpaid, for events like Slice of Science, or outreach URSS, or helping with the Royal Institute Masterclasses.

Research Background: Number theory, modular forms, computational number theory / algebra, arithmetic/algebraic geometry.

Other Mathematical Interest: Mathematics of origami; combinatorial game theory; combinatorics; geometry; algebra; generative art as a means of communicating mathematics

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