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Dr Lisa Flatley


Dr Lisa Flatley

Research Fellow

Office: C2.08
Phone: +44 (0)24 76150774

I am currently working as part of IMAGES (Integrated, Market-Fit, Affordable, Grid-Scale Energy Storage). This is an inter-disciplinary project investigating the potential for energy storage in the UK, particularly compressed air energy storage and high temperature thermal storage. My research focuses on dynamic optimisation and the development of control strategies, in order to assess the economics of grid-scale storage. I am working alongside Prof. Robert MacKay, Prof. Michael Waterson and Dr Monica Giulietti.

I also have an interest in atomistic solids, resulting from my PhD work on crystallisation.


Optimal strategies for operating energy storage in an arbitrage or smoothing market: with R.S. MacKay and M. Waterson, JDG 3(4) p371-398 (2016)

Impact of storage competition on energy markets: with J. Cruise and S. Zachary, working paper preprint (2016)

Control of storage in a time-heterogeneous environment, incorporating market impact and with energy applications: with J. Cruise, R. Gibbens and S. Zachary, working paper preprintLink opens in a new window (2015)

On Generation-Integrated Energy Storage: with S.D. Garvey, P.C. Eames, J.H. Wang, A.J. Pimm, M. Waterson, R.S. MacKay, M.Giulietti,
L.C. Flatley, M. Thompson, D.J. Evans, J. Busby and J.E Garvey, Energy Policy 86, p544-551 (2015)

Face-centered cubic crystallization of atomistic configurations: with F. Theil, Arch. Rational. Mech. Anal. 218(1) p363-416 (2015)

Packing twelve spherical caps to maximize tangencies: with M. Taylor, A. Tarasov and F. Theil, JCAM 254, p220-225 (2013)

Energy transport by acoustic modes of harmonic lattices: with J. Lukkarinen, S. Teufel and F. Theil, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 40(4), p1392-1418 (2008)

My PhD thesis was completed under the supervision of Dr Florian Theil and is available on request.