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Dynamical Systems: Geometric and Stochastic Properties

The workshop will be from 2:00pm on Monday, 15 July until 12:30pm on Friday, 19 July 2024.

All lectures will take place in the Zeeman Building (Mathematics Building) in lecture rooms MS.01 (Monday, Tuesday) and MS.02 (Wednesday,Thursday, Friday).

Accommodation will be on Campus and will be arranged by the Mathematics Research Centre (MRC). Participants will be send details from


This workshop is funded by the ERC, EPSRC and Foundation Compositio.

If you would like more information, please contact either Mark Pollicott ( or Richard Sharp (


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Room MS.01 MS.01 MS.02 MS.02 MS.02
9:00-9:50   Cantrell Erchenko Kleptsyn Tsujii
    Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
10:30-11:20   Zelerowicz Zhang Gorodetski Naud
11:30-12:20   Bochi Slipantschuk Tiozzo Dyatlov
  Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00-14:50 Burns
Pesin Free Xu  
  Tea break Tea break Free Tea break  
15:30-16:20 Vytnova Koivusalo Free Li  
16:30-17:20 Thompson Urbanski Free
18:00 - Dinner Reception      

Titles (to be completed)

Monday (Lectures in MS.01)
14:00-14:50: K. Burns, The effect of Ricci flow on surfaces with no conjugate points.
15:30-16:20: P. Vtynova,
16:30-17:20, D. Thompson, Specification and strong positive recurrence for flows on complete metric. spaces

Tuesday (Lectures in MS.01)
9:00-9:50: S. Cantrell, The geometric joint spectrum and Manhattan manifolds
11:30-12:20, J. Bochi, Exotic Lyapunov spectra.
16:30-17:20: M. Urbanski, Escape Rates, Surviving Equilibrium States and Hausdorff Dimension for Open Dynamical Systems.

Wednesday (Lectures in MS.02)
9:00-9:50: A. Erchenko, Local product structure of equilibrium states for geodesic flows.

Thursday (Lectures in MS.02)
9:00-9:50: V. Kleptsyn, Holder regularity of stationary measures.
10:30-11:20: A. Goredetski, Hyperbolic dynamics and spectra of ergodic Schrodinger operators.
11:30-12:30:G. Tiozzo, The Poisson boundary of hyperbolic groups without moment conditions
15:30-16:20: Jialun Li, On the dimension of limit sets on the real projective plane via stationary measures.
16:30-17:20: F. Ledrappier, T.B.A.

Friday (Lectures in MS.02)
9:00-9:50: M. Tsujii, Virtually expanding dynamics
10:30-11:20: F. Naud, Resonances of random Schottky groups and strong convergence
11:30-12:20, S. Dyatlov, Ruelle zeta at zero for nearly hyperbolic 3-manifolds.


All participants will be accommodated on campus. Booking are made by the Mathematics Research Centre (MRC, based on the dates provided. Participants will be housed in one of the following locations:

  • Scarman House
  • Arthur Vick
  • MRC housing

Participants will be contacted directly by the MRC with details in due course.

Getting to Warwick University

Warwick University is located approximately 3 miles from Coventry (and not very close to Warwick, the town).
From Coventry railway station it is straightforward to reach the university by bus, uber or taxi.
The nearest airport is Birmingham Airport (BHX) which approximately 20 miles away. There is a direct train from the station Birmingham Airport (called Birmingham International) to Coventry which takes between 10 and 25 minutes. Alternatively, one can try an uber or taxi (for less than £50)

Heathrow is approximately 90 miles away. There are infrequent buses (by National Express) to Coventry (Pool Meadow coach station) which typically take 2 to 2.5 hours. Alternatively, one can take the London Underground from Heathrow to Euston (less than 1 hour) and then take a train to Coventry (which takes between 1 and 2 hours).

Where can I eat on a Sunday evening?

The options for eating on campus are a little limited on weekends. Two places with food are:

However, there are a variety of restaurants in Kenilworth, which is 3.5 miles away, or a short bus/taxi/uber ride away.