Dr Markus Kirkilionis
Markus KirkilionisAssociate Professor Office: B2.33 |
Teaching Responsibilities 2020/21:
Term 1: MA213 Second Year Essay , MA395 Essay and MA4J5 Structures of Complex Systems
Term 2: MA213 Second Year Essay and MA395 Essay
Research Interests:
Mathematical biology, dynamic network models, complex systems, numerical analysis, pattern formation, physiologically structured Population models, (monotone) dynamical systems
Most relevant recent publications:
Kirkilionis, M. et al. Numerical continuation of equilibria of physiologically structured population models. I. Theory. MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES. 11, (2001), 1101-1127
Diekmann, O. Gyllenberg, M. Huang, H. Kirkilionis, M. Metz, J.A.J. Thieme, H.R. On the formulation and analysis of general deterministic structured population models. II. Nonlinear theory. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY, 43, (2001), 157-189
Kirkilionis, M. Walcher, S. On comparison systems for ordinary differential equations. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS. 229, (2004), 157-173
Fischer, T. Kirkilionis, M. Lugashenko, D. Wittum, G. Fast numerical integration for simulation of structured populations. MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES. ACCEPTED (2006)
Domijan, M. & Kirkilionis, M.: Bistability and Oscillations in Chemical Reaction Networks. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 59(4), pp 467-501, 2008.
Eigel, M., George, E., and Kirkilionis, M. A Meshfree Partition of Unity Method for Diffusion Equations on Complex Domains. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 1-25, 2009.
de Roos, A., Diekmann, O., Getto, P. and Kirkilionis, M. Numerical equilibrium analysis for structured consumer resource models. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, (72)2, pp. 259-297, 2009.
Kirkilionis, M, Janus, U., Sbano, L. Multi-scale genetic dynamic modelling II: application to synthetic biology: an algorithmic Markov chain based approach. Theory Biosci, 130(3), 183-201, 2011.
Research grants:
EU, Co-ordination action - GIACS (01/01/2006 - 01/01/2009)
Royal Society, Transport and Reaction Simulations (01.04.2005 01.04.2007
BBSRC, Determination of the spatial and temporal (1.1.2005 - 31.12.2007)
EC, Unifying Networks for Science and Society (1.7.2005 - 30.6.2008)
For more information and further publications see Markus Kirkilionis's homepage or his Expertise Profile