Andrew McLeod
About Me: I am a fourth year PhD student under the supervision of Professor Peter Topping. Previously I studied for an MMath at Warwick between 2010 - 2014.
Research Interests: I work in Geometric Analysis primarily within the area of Ricci flow. In particular I am interested in so-called "Pseudolocality" which roughly establishes that under Ricci flow regions that are, in some sense, initially "almost Euclidean" remain controllably so for a definite period of time.
Global Regularity of Three-Dimensional Ricci Limit Spaces (Joint work with Peter Topping) arXiv:1803.00414
Improved Pseudolocality on Large Hyperbolic Balls arXiv:1807.09005
Teaching Responsibilities:
- 2017 - 2018: Supervisor for 5 second year undergraduates, tutor for MA397 Consolidation and teaching assistant for MA131 Analysis II and MA231 Vector Analysis.
- 2016 - 2017: Supervisor for 10 first year undergraduates, tutor for MA397 Consolidation and teaching assistant for MA131 Analysis II and MA231 Vector Analysis.
- 2015 - 2016: Supervisor for 10 first year undergraduates and teaching assistant for MA131 Analysis II, MA231 Vector Analysis and MA3G1 Theory of PDE.
- 2014 - 2015: Supervisor for 10 first year undergraduates and teaching assistant for MA131 Analysis II, MA3G1 Theory of PDE and MA4J0 Advanced Real Analysis.
- 2013 - 2014: Supervisor for 5 first year undergraduates including marking and providing feedback.