William O'Regan
About: I am a fourth year PhD student supervised by András MáthéLink opens in a new window. From September 2024 I will be at the University of British ColumbiaLink opens in a new window working with Pablo ShmerkinLink opens in a new window and Joshua Zahl.Link opens in a new window
Research: I use a variety of tools and techniques from areas such as additive combinatorics, geometric measure theory, information theory, algorithmic information theory, and harmonic analysis to study problems in fractal geometry.
Education: I completed a MSci in Mathematics at the University of Bristol. My fourth year project was supervised by Thomas JordanLink opens in a new window and was entitled 'Large deviations on self-affine sets'.
Preprints: Discretised sum-product problems by Shannon-type inequalities, (joint with András MáthéLink opens in a new window), 2023 [arxiv].
Upcoming talks:
Teaching: I am the TA for fractal geometry.
Contact: william.o-regan at warwick dot ac dot uk