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Thomas Peirce

I'm Tom - a second year PhD student studying homotopy theory, with a particular interest in homotopical commutative algebra. My supervisor is Prof. John GreenleesLink opens in a new window.

Recently I had been interested in a support theory for singularity categories of ring spectra, and how it may classify their thick subcategories. It turns out, in general, it can't - I discuss this in my "Nucleus" preprint below.

Currently, I am thinking about the algebra of equivariant ring spectra, in particular extending the Gorenstein property to the equivariant stable homotopy theory.



  • The Nucleus of a Compact Lie Group, and Support of Singularity Categories, J. Pure Appl. Algebra (2024), 107780 doi. (Preprint: arXiv:2045.00457 )


I studied for my BA and MMath at the University of Cambridge (2017-2021), with a Part III "essay" on commutative algebra and invariant theory entitled Polynomial Invariants of Finite GroupsLink opens in a new window.


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Self photograph of me