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Talks and Papers


- 7 May 2014 - Postgraduate Seminar in Warwick - "The Sims `Verify' algorithm". This was a blackboard talk, but here are my notes for the talk which should be more or less followable in isolation - it is essentially a slightly compressed version of the first half of my first year report.

- 13 June 2014 - Colloquium in Warwick (8 minute talk) - "Bases and Strong Generating Sets". Here are the slides I used.

- 28 October 2014 - Warwick Maths Society - "Finite simple groups". Here are the slides I used.

- 11 March 2015 - Postgraduate Seminar in Warwick - "Finding the maximal subgroups of $SL(n,q)$".

- 1 July 2015 - Postgraduate Group Theory Conference 2015 in Bristol - "Maximal subgroups of finite classical groups of type $S_1$".

- 17 August 2015 - Young Researchers in Mathematics Conference 2015 in Oxford - "Necklaces and spinor norms of permutation matrices".

- 7 October 2015 - Postgraduate Seminar in Warwick - "Necklaces and permutation matrices".

- 30 October 2015 - Junior Algebra Seminar in Cambridge - "Maximal subgroups of low-dimensional classical groups".

- 18 February 2016 - Warwick Algebra Seminar - "Maximal subgroups of finite classical groups of type $C_9$".

- 11 May 2016 - Postgraduate Seminar in Warwick - "Matrices, monsters and moonshine - an introduction to the classification of finite simple groups".

- 29 June 2016 - Postgraduate Group Theory Conference 2016 at Imperial College, London - "Automorphisms of the finite spin groups".

- 2 August 2016 - Young Research in Mathematics Conference 2016 in St Andrew's - "Maximal subgroups of classical groups in defining characteristic".

- 25 October 2016 - Warwick Maths Society - "Matrices, monsters and moonshine - an introduction to finite simple groups and their classification".

- 23 November 2016 - Postgraduate Seminar in Warwick - "The extension problem; or why groups are like Lego and not a jigsaw puzzle".


- My first year report, on the Sims `Verify' algorithm and Aschbacher's Theorem

- My second year report and associated MAGMA files, on classifying $S_1$ subgroups in dimensions 16 and 17.