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Jakub Takac

I am Jakub Takáč and I am a 4th year PhD. student at the Mathematics Department, University of Warwick. My field of research is geometric measure theory and my supervisor is Dr David Bate. I am currently working on metric currents in the Euclidean space and also in general metric spaces. I am also interested in Alberti representations of measures, different notions of tangent fields of metric spaces, n-rectifiable metric spaces and purely n-unrectifiable metric spaces. Spaces of (usually vector-valued) Lipschitz maps on metric spaces are also of interest, especially the relationship of their (functional-)analytic properties to the metric or geometric properties of the underlying metric spaces.

Previously, I studied Bachelor's in general mathematics and then Master's in mathematical analysis, both at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. There I did research in the theory of function spaces and interpolation theory and I was supervised by prof. Luboš Pick.

email: jakub [dot] takac (at) warwick [dot] ac [dot] uk

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Preprints and publications:

[1] V Musil and L. Pick and J. Takáč, Almost compact embeddings between Orlicz and Lorentz spaces;

[2] D. Bate and J. Takáč, Typical Lipschitz maps on rectifiable metric spaces; Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), 2024.

[3] V. Musil and L. Pick and J. Takáč, Optimality problems in Orlicz spaces; Adv. Math. (2023), Vol 432,

[4] J. Takáč, Optimality of function spaces for kernel integral operators; Math. Nachr. (2023), 1-25.,