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Nikolaos Zygouras

I am a professor at the department of mathematics at Warwick.

My research lies in the field of Probability Theory and its applications to models of statistical physics (random media, statistical mechanics, stochastic PDEs). I am also interested in the relations to PDEs, representation theory and combinatorics.

You can contact me at or you can find me at C1.10 in the Zeeman building.


Click here for more.

Teaching :

In 2024 I will be teaching Symmetric Functions and Integrable Probability (Notes) and Graduate Probability. In the past I have taught postgraduate courses: Integrable Probability, Discrete stochastic analysis, Brownian Motion (4th year / MSc / PhD) and Advanced topics in Applied Probability: Random Growth and Random Matrices. Graduate Probability, Large Deviations, Concentration of Measure, Mixing times and undergraduate courses: Statistics for Finance, Multivariate Statistics, Probability A,B, and Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Methods, Complex Variables, Calculus


I prefer to give blackboard talks. But when the microsoft powerpoint (i.e. chalk) is not available I resort to technology: Combinatorial structures in KPZ (a two part colloquium talk), Scaling limits & disorder


I am an Associate Editor at the

Journal of the London Mathematical Society

Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society

Annals of Applied Probability

Electronic Journal of Probability

Electronic Communications in Probability

Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics (2013-2023)


Below are some events I have organised:

Critical phenomena in statistical physics, continuum theories and SPDEs, at Warwick and supported by CRiSM and EPSRC

Statistical Mechanics and Stochastic PDEs, at Cetraro and supported by CIME and EPSRC

Random Polymers and Algebraic Combinatorics, supported by the Clay Math Institute and EPSRC

Stochastic Growth Models, supported by MiR@W (Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research @ Warwick)

School and Conference in Random Polymers, held and supported by the Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Singapore

Disordered Systems, held at the Math Research Institute at Warwick and supported by EPSRC

Orthogonal Polynomials, applications in Statistics and Stochastic Processes, supported partially by FP7 through a Marie Curie, International Reintegration Grant

Nikos' picture