Geometric Analysis Seminar
Thursday 10th May
Joint Warwick - Imperial - Cambridge
Organisers: Mihalis Dafermos, Andre Neves, Peter Topping, Neshan Wickramasekera
All lectures in Room B3.03, Mathematics Institute
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Fernando Codá Marques (IMPA) Min-max minimal surfaces and the Willmore conjecture
15:00-15.30 Tea/coffee in the Manthematics Institute Common Room
15.30-16.30 Francesco Maggi (Florence/UT-Austin) Global stability inequalities in the Plateau problem
16.45-17.45 Sergiu Klainerman (Princeton) Rigidity of Black Holes
19.30 Dinner at Loch Fyne restaurant, Kenilworth