Explicit Methods in Number Theory: Conference in Honour of Cremona's 60th Birthday, University of Warwick, 4-8 April 2016
Organizers: Lassina Dembele (Warwick), Tom Fisher (Cambridge), Haluk Sengun (Sheffield), Samir Siksek (Warwick)
All talks take place in room MS.02, Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building.
Monday 4 April
- 8:30--9:15 registration and coffee in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- 9:15--10:15 Hendrik Lenstra (Leiden)
"Abelian automorphisms towers" - 10:15--11:00 Coffee and tea break in A0.05
- 11:00--12:00 Henri Cohen (Bordeaux)
"L-functions and modular forms in Pari/GP"
- 12:00--14:00 Lunch in A0.05
- 14:00--15:00 Haluk Sengun (Sheffield)
"Mod p automorphic forms" - 15:00--15:45 Coffee and tea break in A0.05
- 15:45--16:45 Tony Scholl (Cambridge)
"Special values of L-functions" - 17:00--18:15 Wine reception in the Mathematics Institute Common Room
- Conference dinner at Scarman
Tuesday 5 April
- 9:15--10:15 Tom Fisher (Cambridge)
"Binary quartics and the Cassels-Tate pairing" - 10:15--11:00 Coffee and tea break in A0.05
- 11:00--12:00 Lassina Dembele (Warwick)
"On the existence of abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction" - 12:00--14:00 Lunch in A0.05
- 14:00--15:00 Lynne Walling (Bristol)
"Explicit action of Hecke operators on half-integral weight Siegel Eisenstein series" - 15:00--15:45 Coffee and tea break in A0.05
- 15:45--16:45 Ariel Pacetti (Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor)
"Computing tables of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}(i)$"
Wednesday 6 April
- 9:15--10:15 Michael Stoll (Bayreuth)
"The Generalized Fermat equation $x^2 + y^3 = z^{11}$" - 10:15--11:00 Coffee and tea break in A0.05
- 11:00--12:00 Samir Siksek (Warwick)
"Semistability and Serre's uniformity" - 12:00--13:00 Lunch in A0.05.
Free Afternoon.
Thursday 7 April
- 9:15--10:15 Andrew Sutherland (MIT)
"Torsion subgroups of rational elliptic curves over the compositum of all cubic fields" - 10:15--11:00 Coffee and tea break in A0.05.
- 11:00--12:00 Barinder Banwait (Essen)
"Traces of Frobenius and an inverse Galois Problem for cubic surfaces over finite fields" - 12:00--14:00 Lunch in A0.05.
- 14:00--15:00 Denis Simon (Caen)
"Squares represented by cubic forms" - 15:00--15:45 Coffee and tea break in A0.05.
- 15:45--16:45 Soma Purkait (Kyushu)
"Hecke algebras, new vectors and characterization of the new space"
Friday 8 April
- 9:15--10:15 Manjul Bhargava (Princeton)
"A positive proportion of plane cubics fail (respectively satisfy) the Hasse principle" - 10:15--11:00 Coffee and tea break in A0.05.
- 11:00--12:00 Bryan Birch (Oxford)
"Insoluble curves" - 12:00--13:00 Lunch in A0.05.