BOWL meeting in Additive Combinatorics and Analytic Number Theory
Wednesday 20th September 2017
Organisers: Emmanuel Breuillard, Tim Browning, Andrew Granville, Ben Green, Adam Harper, Peter Varju, Julia Wolf
Location: Mathematics Institute, Room MS.04
This is the sixth in a sequence of one day meetings on Additive Combinatorics and Analytic Number Theory, but the first to be hosted at Warwick. The official webpage of these meetings is here.
Draft Schedule:
13:15 Keith Ball (Warwick): Rational approximations to zeta
14:00 Kirsti Biggs (Bristol): Waring’s Problem with Shifts
14:45 Sarah Peluse (Stanford): Three-term polynomial progressions in subsets of finite fields
15:30-16:00 Tea
16:00 Sophie Stevens (Bristol): Some Applications of Incidence Bounds in Fields
16:45 Aled Walker (Oxford): Gowers norms control Diophantine inequalities