2023 LMS Hardy Lecture
Eva Miranda (UPC Barcelona)
Title: Euler flows as universal models for dynamical systems
Room: B3.02 (Zeeman Building)
Abstract: The dynamics of an inviscid and incompressible fluid flow on a Riemannian manifold is governed by the Euler equations. In this talk we will discuss universality properties of the stationary solutions to the Euler equations. The study of these universality features was suggested by Tao as a novel way to address the problem of global existence for Euler and Navier-Stokes. Universality of the Euler equations for stationary solutions can be proved using a contact mirror which reflects a Beltrami flow as a Reeb vector field. This contact mirror permits the use of advanced geometric techniques such as the h-principle in fluid dynamics.

About the Hardy Lecture
The Hardy Lectureship was founded in 1967 in memory of G.H. Hardy in recognition of outstanding contribution to both mathematics and to the Society. The Hardy Lectureship is a lecture tour of the UK by a mathematician with a high reputation in research. The 2023 LMS Hardy Lecturer is Professor Eva Miranda (UPC Barcelona). Eva Miranda will visit the UK in May, June, July and September 2023 and she will give talks on 30 May (Cambridge), 1 June (Royal Institute, London), 26 June (Birmingham), 28 June (Warwick), 30 June (Mary Ward House, London), 4 July (Oxford), 6 July (Loughborough), 19 September (Edinburgh) and 21 September (Glasgow).