Recent Developments in Algebraic K-Theory
7-11 April 2025
Organisers: Rudradip Biswas and Marco Schlichting.
Location: The University of Warwick (see schedule for details)
Topics: This is a conference on topics relevant to algebraic K-theory, A1-homotopy theory, algebraic cycles, quadratic forms, triangulated categories, homology of classical groups, etc. The aim of this meeting is to bring together researchers from a wide swathe of areas touched by these subjects.
Funding: We have some limited funding for early career researchers, especially for PhD students and post-docs. If you do require funding, please send an email to one of the organisers by 31 January indicating what for and how much.
Registration (important): If you wish to participate, please register here. We need to know the number of participants for funding, catering, and room booking purposes.
Contributed talks: We plan to have a few short talks by participants (length depending on demand). Please submit an abstract by email if you wish to talk. Early career researchers are particularly encouraged to do so.
Titles and Abstracts
All talks will take place in the Zeeman Building, Department of Mathematics at the University of Warwick.
Schedule of talks
List of participants
Confirmed speakers:
Tom Bachmann (Mainz)
Federico Binda (Milan)
Baptiste Calmès (Lens)
Chirantan Chowdhury (Darmstadt)
Jean Fasel (Grenoble)
Grigory Garkusha (Swansea)
Parnashree Ghosh (Mumbai)
Jens Hornbostel (Wuppertal)
Max Karoubi (Paris)
Markus Land (Munich)
Samuel Lerbet (Grenoble)
Daniel Marlowe (Warwick)
Irakli Patchkoria (Aberdeen)
Sabrina Pauli (Darmstadt)
Maxime Ramzi (Munster)
Parvez Sarwar (IIT Kharagpur)
Victor Saunier (Paris)
Daniel Schäppi (Regensburg)
Julia Semikina (Lille)
Vladimir Sosnilo (Regensburg)
Tariq Syed (Dusseldorf)
Gonçalo Tabuada (Warwick)
Paula Verdugo (Bonn)
Anna Viergever (Hannover)
Heng Xie (Guangzhou)
We gratefully acknowledge funding contributions from the London Mathematical Society, the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, the K-theory foundation, and the Mathematics Research Centre of the University of Warwick.