Mathematics Colloquium
Please join the WMI Colloquium in Zeeman B3.03.
Organisers: Sam Chow and Tobias Grafke
Additional colloquia, titles and abstracts will be added as details become available.
Colloquia take place on Friday afternoons at 4.00pm, in Zeeman B3.03. They are directed towards a general mathematical audience. In particular, one of the functions of these colloquia is to inform non-specialists and graduate students about recent trends, ideas and results in some area of mathematics, or a closely related field.
Autumn Term 2024/25
- 04 October 2024: Kevin Buzzard (Imperial) Interactive theorem provers and mathematics
- 11 October 2024: Mark Peletier (Eindhoven) In search of structure: Gradient flows, GENERIC systems, and the role of noise
- 18 October 2024: Liz Fearon (UCL) Epidemiological modelling of testing, contact tracing and isolation interventions in epidemic response: experiences from COVID-19
- 25 October 2024: Mike Whittaker (Glasgow) Self-similar groups and their limit spaces
- 1 November 2024: Harry Schmidt (Warwick) Canonical heights and equidistribution
- 8 November 2024: Stefan Güttel (Manchester) Randomized algorithms in numerical linear algebra
- 15 November 2024: Nina Snaith (Bristol) Random matrices, number theory and the derivative of the characteristic polynomial
- 22 November 2024: Rob Neel (Lehigh) Coupling in geometry and sub-Riemannian diffusions
- 29 November 2024: Robert Kropholler (Warwick) Folding-like techniques for CAT(0) cube complexes
- 6 December 2024: Silke Weinfurtner (Nottingham) Exploring Classical and Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetimes: Lab-Based Investigations into Black Holes and Early Universe Physics
Spring Term 2024/25
- 10 January 2025: Jerome Neufeld (Cambridge) Flow and flexure: Subglacial hydrology and the transient response of ice sheets
- 17 January 2025: Lukas Eigentler (Warwick) Modelling dryland vegetation patterns
- 24 January 2025: Max Stolarski (Warwick) Singularity Analysis of Geometric Flows
- 31 January 2025: Mike Hochman (HUJI) Expansion of numbers in different bases and equidistribution
- 7 February 2025: Ben Green (Oxford) Intersective sets
- 14 February 2025: Maciej Zworski (UC Berkeley) Mathematics of magic angles in 2D structures
- 21 February 2025: Jose Carrillo (Oxford) Aggregation-Diffusion Equations for Collective Behaviour in the Sciences
- 28 February 2025: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb (Cambridge) Mathematical imaging: from PDEs to deep learning for images
- 7 March 2025: David Masser (Basel) Algebraic integrals and transcendence
- 14 March 2025: Rajula Srivastava (Bonn) Counting, Curvature and Convex Duality
Summer Term 2024/25
- 25 April 2025:
- 2 May 2025: Wendelin Werner (Cambridge)
- 9 May 2025: Dominique Maldague (Cambridge)
- 16 May 2025: Sanju Velani (York)
- 23 May 2025:
- 30 May 2025:
- 6 June 2025:
- 13 June 2025:
- 20 June 2025: Benny Sudakov (ETH)
- 27 June 2025: Speaking with Style