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Welcome to the postgraduate seminars page!

Every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1pm we meet in room B3.02 to allow us, doctoral students, to give talks on the topics we are working on or simply on the mathematical topics that most fascinate us. In addition to being an excellent way to gain experience with talks, these seminars address the problem of the increasingly sectoral nature that mathematics takes on during doctoral studies. We therefore favour talks that do not go too specific and that are designed for a broad audience.

The talks can also be viewed live online here.

After each talk, lunch will be offered and the speaker will be rewarded with exclusive food.

We look forward to seeing many of you!

The organizers: Marco Milanesi and Tommaso Faustini

Term 1

Week 1: Wednesday 2nd October

Arjun Sobnack

Week 2: Wednesday 9th October

Eva Zaat

Week 3: Wednesday 16th October