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Seminars 1997-1998

Friday, 3 October, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Alan Newell (Warwick)
Natural patterns: some answers, more questions

Tuesday, 7 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems Seminar
Genadi Levin (Jerusalem)
Bounds for maps of an interval with one folding or reflecting critical point.

Tuesday, 7 October, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 1
John Rawnsley (Warwick)

Friday, 10 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Geometry Seminar
Caroline Series (Mathematics Institute, Warwick)
Pleating Invariants and Quasifuchsian Spcae: An Introduction

Friday, 10 October, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Siddartha Sen (Trinity College, Dublin)
Geometric discretisation

Monday, 13 October, 1997 4:30 pm Room TBA
Geometry & interactions with algebra, alg geom, analysis, num theory, etc
Miles Reid (Warwick)
Hilbert schemes as resolution of quotient singularities and the McKay correspondence.

Tuesday, 14 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems Seminar
Dmitri Dolgopiat (Berkeley)
Mixing rate of group extensions of hyperbolic systems

Wednesday, 15 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room 26
Mechanics and Symmetry
Andrew Lewis (Warwick)
Lagrangian Reduction of Simple Mechanical Systems

Wednesday, 15 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Geometry Seminar
Francoise Dal'bo (Rennes)
Geometry of group actions on products of Hadamard manifolds (PLEASE NOTE UNUSUAL TIME)

Wednesday, 15 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room TBA
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
David Mond (Warwick)
Milnor fibre, theme and variations

Wednesday, 15 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room TBA
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
David Mond (Warwick)
Milnor fibre, theme and variations

Wednesday, 15 October, 1997 3:00 pm Room 1
Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems Seminar
Viviane Baladi (Geneva)
The spectra of coupled map lattices

Friday, 17 October, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Jonathan Sherratt (Warwick)
Mathematics and medicine: obtaining therapies from equations

Monday, 20 October, 1997 3:00 pm Room TBA
Geometry and ...
Joa Weber (Warwick)
Morse Theory 1

Monday, 20 October, 1997 4:30 pm Room TBA
Geometry and ...
Miles Reid/John Jones (Warwick)

Tuesday, 21 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar
Francoise Dal'bo (Rennes)
Counting closed geodesics on a surface with cusp

Tuesday, 21 October, 1997 4:00 pm Room 1
John Rawnsley (Warwick)
Mp structures and quantisation, 111

Wednesday, 22 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Mirel Caibar (Warwick)
3-fold singularities; Milnor fibre and class group

Wednesday, 22 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room 1
MIR@W Mathematics in Medicine Initiative
N. Burroughs & D. Rand (Warwick)
Clinical consequences of Hepatitis B dynamics

Wednesday, 22 October, 1997 3:15 pm Room 1
MIR@W Mathematics in Medicine Initiative
R. Bates and M. Hilton (Warwick & Birmingham)
Wavelets and heart rate variability

Friday, 24 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
David Epstein (Warwick)
Speedy decisions in hyperbolic groups

Friday, 24 October, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Lyn Thomas (Business Studies, Edinburgh)
Credit, tyres and dams: applications of dynamic programming to large-scale models.

Monday, 27 October, 1997 3:00 pm Room TBA
Geometry and ...
Joa Weber (Warwick)
Morse Theory 11

Monday, 27 October, 1997 4:30 pm Room 2
Geometry and ....
Yuri Chekonov (Moscow)
Invariants of Legendrian Knots I

Tuesday, 28 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar
Maurice Dodson (York)
Extremal Manifolds

Tuesday, 28 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room 26
Ildar Gabitov (Dusseldorf)

Tuesday, 28 October, 1997 4:00 pm Room 1
Quantisation Seminar
Santos Asin Lares (Warwick)
Fedosov's Construction of star products

Wednesday, 29 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic geometry/Singularity Theory
David Mond (Warwick)
Variations on the Milnor fibration

Wednesday, 29 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room 123
Mechanics and Symmetry Seminar
Andrew Lewis (Warwick)
Lagrangian reduction of simple mechanical systems (continued)

Wednesday, 29 October, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Special Geometry and Dynamics Seminar
Carsten Petersen (Roskilde)
Prime ends revisited: a geometric point of view

Friday, 31 October, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Roger Carter (Warwick)
Representations of simple Lie algebras: modern variations on a classical theme

Monday, 3 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 26
MIR@W Financial Mathematics
Stewart Hodges (FORC, Warwick)
When replication doesn't work

Monday, 3 November, 1997 2:50 pm Room 26
MIR@W Financial Mathematics
William Perraudin (Birkbeck College)
Value at risk of derivatives

Monday, 3 November, 1997 3:00 pm Room TBA
Geometry and ...
Diego Matessi
Hodge Theory 1

Monday, 3 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room 1
MIR@W Financial Mathematics
Lane Hughston (Merrill Lynch, London)

Monday, 3 November, 1997 4:30 pm Room 2
Geometry and ....
Yuri Chekonov (Moscow)
Invariants of Legendrian Knots II

Monday, 3 November, 1997 4:50 pm Room 1
MIR@W Financial Mathematics
Chris Rogers (Bath)
Do not ask what mathematics can do for finance

Tuesday, 4 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Torsten Fischer (Warwick)
Transfer operators for coupled map lattices

Tuesday, 4 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room 26
Teaching and Learning Colloquium
Elena Nardi (Institute of Education, Warwick)
The Novice Mathematician's Encounter With Mathematical Abstraction: A study of Oxford Undergraduates

Tuesday, 4 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room 1
Andrea Loi (Warwick)
Rigidity of holomorphic maps to Kaehler manifolds

Wednesday, 5 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic Geometry/Singularity Theory
Mirel Caibar (Warwick)
3-fold singularities: Milnor fibre and class group II

Wednesday, 5 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 26
Mechanics and Symmetry
Andrew Lewis (Warwick)
Lagrangian reduction of simple mechanical systems (concluded)

Friday, 7 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Hyperbolic Geometry, etc.
Igor Rivin (Warwick)
Deformation of metrics from Schafli to Einstein

Friday, 7 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Neil Cornish (DAMTP, Cambridge)
Measuring the large-scale topology of the universe

Monday, 10 November, 1997 3:00 pm Room 1
Geometry and ......
Diego Matessi (Warwick)
Hodge Theory I

Monday, 10 November, 1997 4:30 pm Room 1
Geometry and ...
Pierre Pansu (Orsay)
Cohomology of symmetric spaces

Tuesday, 11 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Ergodic Theory and Dyamical Systems
Anthony Manning (Warwick)
An existence proof for correlation dimension

Tuesday, 11 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room 26
Teaching and Learning Colloquium
Rosamund Sutherland, (University of Bristol)
Teaching and Learning Algebra Pre-19: Discussion of the Royal Society Report

Tuesday, 11 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room 1
Veronique Chloup-Arnould (Warwick)
On a paper of Weinstein-Xu

Wednesday, 12 November, 1997 1:00 pm Room 26
MIR@W 2D Turbulence
Peter Thomas (Engineering, Warwick)
A layman's introduction to 2D turbulence

Wednesday, 12 November, 1997 1:20 pm Room 26
MIR@W 2D Turbulence
David Dritschel (Warwick)
Back to basics and getting beyond the 2D paradigm

Wednesday, 12 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 123
Mechanics and Symmetry
George Patrick (Saskatchewan/Warwick)
Dynamics near stable relative equilibria with nongeneric momenta

Wednesday, 12 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic Geometry/Singularity Theory
David Mond (Warwick)
Differential forms on a free divisor

Wednesday, 12 November, 1997 2:20 pm Room 26
MIR@W 2D Turbulence
Jean-Phillippe Laval (CEA, Saclay)
Two-fluid modelling of 2D turbulence

Wednesday, 12 November, 1997 3:30 pm Room 26
MIR@W 2D Turbulence
Patrick Tabeling (CNRS, Paris)
2D Turbulence: an experimental approach

Wednesday, 12 November, 1997 4:30 pm Room 26
MIR@W 2D Turbulence
Peter Flohr (DAMTP, Cambridge)
Accelerated scalar dissipation in a vortex

Thursday, 13 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Algebra Seminar
M.F. Newman (ANU Canberra)
A centenary of the theory of finite groups

Friday, 14 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Panos Papasoglu

Friday, 14 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Hyperbolic Geometry
Panos Papasoglu (Orsay)
Structure theorems for group decompositions

Friday, 14 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Willie Firth (Physics, Strathclyde)
Soliton-like structures in optical cavities

Monday, 17 November, 1997 1:00 pm Room 26
MIR@W Patterns Under Water
Suzanne Hulscher (Twente)
Comparison between predicted and observed large-scale sea bed features in the southern North Sea.

Monday, 17 November, 1997 2:15 pm Room 26
MIR@W Patterns Under Water
Michael Scherer (Magdeburg)
Pattern formation in sand-water mixtures

Monday, 17 November, 1997 3:00 pm Room 1
Geometry and ...
Diego Matessi (Warwick)
Hodge Theory II

Monday, 17 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room 2
MIR@W Patterns Under Water
Natalia Komarova (Warwick)
Nonlinear theory of sand patterns

Monday, 17 November, 1997 4:30 pm Room 1
Geometry and ...
John Jones (Warwick)
Elliptic cohomology

Monday, 17 November, 1997 5:00 pm Room 2
MIR@W Patterns Under Water
Michael Scherer (Magdeburg)
Rock 'n Roll: Experiments on Granular Material

Tuesday, 18 November, 1997 10:00 am Room 26
Mechanics and Symmetry
Dmitrii Sadovskii (Université du Littoral)
Relative equilibria in perturbed Coulomb problems

Tuesday, 18 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Giuseppe Gaeta (Loughborough)
Poincaré normal forms of vector fields - a survey

Wednesday, 19 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Andrzej Szczepanski (Warsaw)
Fibonacci groups

Friday, 21 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Hyperbolic Geometry
Raquel Diaz Sanchez (Complutense University, Madrid)
Dihedral angles of hyperbolic polytopes

Monday, 24 November, 1997 11:30 am Room 26
MIR@W Evolution and Ecology
Imperial College People
Questions about applied spatial ecologies

Monday, 24 November, 1997 1:30 pm Room 26
MIR@W Evolution and Ecology
Warwick Maths People
New mathematical approaches to spatial dynamics

Monday, 24 November, 1997 3:00 pm Room TBA
Geometry and ...
David Calderbank (Warwick)
Index Theorem 11

Monday, 24 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room 2
MIR@W Evolution and Ecology
Hans Metz (Leiden)
From population dynamics to adaptive dynamics

Tuesday, 25 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Alberto Pinto (Porto)
Smoothness of a conjugacy between unimodal maps

Tuesday, 25 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room 1
John Rawnsley (Warwick)
Quantisation à la Deligne II

Wednesday, 26 November, 1997 1:00 pm Room 26
Mechanics and Symmetry
George Patrick (Saskatchewan/Warwick)
Dynamics near stable relative equilibria with nongeneric momenta (continued)

Wednesday, 26 November, 1997 2:45 pm Room 26
MIR@W Evolution and Ecology
Hans Metz (Leiden)
Perspectives in adaptive dynamics

Wednesday, 26 November, 1997 3:00 pm Room 26
Teaching and Learning Colloquium
Dawn Duddridge (Academic Office, Warwick)
Preparing for teaching quality assessment

Wednesday, 26 November, 1997 3:00 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic Geometry
Selma Altinok (Warwick)
Graded sups and K3 surfaces

Wednesday, 26 November, 1997 4:15 pm Room 26
MIR@W Evolution and Ecology
Hans Metz (Leiden)
When does evolution optimise?

Thursday, 27 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
S. Mattarei (Padova)
2-characters and weak Cayley tables of finite groups

Friday, 28 November, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Hyperbolic Geometry
Hugh Morton (Liverpool)
Quantum groups and knot invariants

Friday, 28 November, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Martin Taylor (UMIST)
L-functions and Euler characteristics

Monday, 1 December, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
MIR@W Farewell to Jonathan Sherratt
Mark Chaplain (Dundee)
Some mathematical models of tumour growth

Monday, 1 December, 1997 2:50 pm Room 2
MIR@W Farewell to Jonathan Sherratt
Philip Maini (Oxford)
Self-organising phenomena in morphogenesis: from slugs to fish

Monday, 1 December, 1997 3:00 pm Room 1
Geometry and ...
Alastair Craw (Warwick)
The Riemann Roch theorem II

Monday, 1 December, 1997 4:00 pm Room 2
MIR@W Farewell to Jonathan Sherratt
Helen Byrne (UMIST)
Instabilities in solid tumour growth

Monday, 1 December, 1997 4:30 pm Room 1
Geometry and ...
John Jones (Warwick)
Elliptic cohomology

Monday, 1 December, 1997 4:50 pm Room 2
MIR@W Farewell to Jonathan Sherratt
Jonathan Sherratt (Warwick)
Mathematical models of wound healing

Tuesday, 2 December, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Oliver Jenkinson (Marseille)
Sturmian orbits and barycentres of invariant measures

Wednesday, 3 December, 1997 1:00 pm Room 26
Mechanics and Symmetry
George Patrick (Saskatchewan/Warwick)
Dynamics near relative equilibria with nongeneric momenta (continued)

Friday, 5 December, 1997 2:00 pm Room 2
Igor Rivin (Warwick)
Growth in groups and graphs

Friday, 5 December, 1997 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Jeremy Gray (Open University)

Friday, 12 December, 1997 4:00 pm Room 2
Midlands Universities Pure Maths Seminar
C. R. Leedham-Green (Queen Mary and Westfield College)
Applications of a theorem of Aschbacher to recognising matrix groups over finite fields

Wednesday, 7 January, 1998 ? Room GLT 1
Algebraic geometry
K. Matsuki (Warwick)
The Mori program, V

Thursday, 8 January, 1998 2:00 pm Room 2
Algebra Seminar
T Lenagan (University of Edinburgh)
Quantum determinental ideals

Friday, 9 January, 1998    
Tuxedo Meeting

Friday, 9 January, 1998 2:00 pm  
Algebraic geometry
K. Matsuki (Warwick)
The Mori program, VI

Friday, 9 January, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
John D Gibbon (Imperial College, London)
Vorticity alignment in 3D Euler & Navier-Stokes turbulence

Monday, 12 January, 1998 3:05 pm Room MI 1
Geometry and ...
David Calderbank (Warwick)
Index Theorey

Monday, 12 January, 1998 4:30 pm Room MI 1
Geometry and........
Mark Gross (Warwick)
Background to Wiles. II, Modular curves

Wednesday, 14 January, 1998 3:00 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic geometry
K. Matsuki (Warwick)
The Mori program, VII

Friday, 16 January, 1998 ?  
Algebraic geometry
K. Matsuki (Warwick)
The Mori program, VIII

Monday, 19 January, 1998 4:30 pm Room MI 1
Geometry and...
Mark Gross (Warwick)
Background to Wiles. IV, Modular curves

Monday, 19 January, 1998 ? Room MI 1
Geometry and ...
Jose-Luis Cisneros (Warwick)
Index theorem, con'td.

Tuesday, 20 January, 1998 4:00 am Room MI 1
Quantisation Seminar
George Terizakis (Warwick)
On an example of singular polarization

Tuesday, 20 January, 1998 3:15 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory
H. Crauel (Berlin)

Wednesday, 21 January, 1998 3:00 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic Geometry
Selma Altinok (Warwick)
Projecting K3 surfaces I

Wednesday, 21 January, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Dynamical Systems/Stochastic Analysis
H. Crauel (Berlin)
Random Attractors

Thursday, 22 January, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Algebra Seminar
B.A.F. Wehrfritz (QMW College, London)
Infinite dimensional linear groups

Thursday, 22 January, 1998 3:00 pm Room MI 2
COW (Cambridge Oxford Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar)
Stefan Endrass (Mainz)
Contact geomtry and even node sets

Thursday, 22 January, 1998 4:30 pm Room MI 2
COW (Cambridge Oxford Warwick Algebraic Geometry Seminar)
Bill Oxbury (Durham)
Syzygies, multisecants and rational normal curves

Friday, 23 January, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
John Ball (Oxford)
From microscales to macroscales in materials

Monday, 26 January, 1998 2:15 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Day Molecular Dynamics and Spectra
San Vu-Ngoc (Utrecht)
Semi-classical analysis near critical points and quantum monodromy

Monday, 26 January, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Day Molecular Dynamics and Spectra
Boris Zhilinskii (Université du Littoral, Dunkerque)
Orbifold representation of effective Hamiltonians

Monday, 26 January, 1998 4:30 pm Room MI 1
Geometry and ...
Members of the cast.
Background to Wiles V, the Serre-Ribet proof

Monday, 26 January, 1998 4:30 pm Room MI 1
Geometry and ...
Henrik Pedersen (Odense)
Complex deformation theory and quatermonic geometry

Monday, 26 January, 1998 4:45 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Day Molecular Dynamics and Spectra
Igor Kozin (Warwick)
Bifurcations of relative equilibria of tri-atomic molecules

Monday, 26 January, 1998 ? Room MI 2
MIR@W Day Molecular Dynamics and Spectra
Mark Child (Oxford)
Quantum states in a champagne bottle

Monday, 26 January, 1998 ? Room MI 1
Geometry and ...
Alastair Craw (Warwick)
RR, cont'd

Tuesday, 27 January, 1998 3:15 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory
N. Fotiades (Athens)
Topological conjugies of piecewise monotone interval maps

Tuesday, 27 January, 1998 ? Room 2
Quantisation Seminar
George Terizakis (Warwick)
An example of singular polarization, II

Wednesday, 28 January, 1998 3:00 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic Geometry
Selma Altinok / Miles Reid (Warwick)
Projecting K3 surfaces II

Thursday, 29 January, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Algebra Seminar
R.M. Lissaman (Warwick)
Non-commutative generalisations of Dedekind domains

Thursday, 29 January, 1998 4:00 pm Room 2
Floer Homology
Dietmar Salamon (Warwick)
The Deligne-Mumford Compactification

Thursday, 29 January, 1998 ? Room 26
Algebraic Geometry
Hirokasu Nasu (Warwick)
Sheaf Cohomology III

Friday, 30 January, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Roger Penrose (Oxford)
New aperiodic tile sets

Monday, 2 February, 1998 ? Room MI 1
Geometry and ...
John Moody (Warwick)
Background to Wiles cont'd: the Serre-Ribet proof

Tuesday, 3 February, 1998 3:15 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory
Edson Vargas (São Paulo)
Decay of geometry in the cubic family

Wednesday, 4 February, 1998 3:00 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic Geometry
Shigeru Mukai (Nagoya & Warwick)

Thursday, 5 February, 1998 10:00 am Room 126
Algebraic Geometry
Thomas Fangel (Warwick)
Sheaf Cohomology IV

Thursday, 5 February, 1998 10:00 am Room 26
Algebraic Geometry
Alastair Craw (Warwick)
Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch Theorem (continued)

Thursday, 5 February, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Algebra Seminar
D. Jordan (Sheffield)
Graded algebras generated by Eulerian derivatives

Thursday, 5 February, 1998 4:00 pm Room 2
Floer Homology
Dietmar Salamon (Warwick)
Gromov Compactness and Stable Maps

Friday, 6 February, 1998 2:00 pm Room 2
Hyperbolic Geometry
Adrien Douady (University of Paris-Sud, Orsay)
Dimension of Julia Sets, after Zinsmeister

Friday, 6 February, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Mark Gross (Warwick)

Monday, 9 February, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Days Organisational Ecology
Nick Weber (Warwick Business School)
Interest Rate Variation and Chaotic Models

Monday, 9 February, 1998 2:30 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Days Organisational Ecology
Philip Stern (Warwick Business School)
Consumer Behaviour: Data Reduction using the Dirichlet

Monday, 9 February, 1998 3:30 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Days Organisational Ecology
David Parker (Aston University)
Chaos Theory and Management of Change

Monday, 9 February, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Days Organisational Ecology
Philip Boxer (BRL Ltd)
'Chaos': undecideabilities in the eye of anticipatory understanding

Monday, 9 February, 1998 4:30 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Days Organisational Ecology
Robin Wensley (Warwick Business School)
Organisational Ecology, Chaoplexity and the number 42

Tuesday, 10 February, 1998 2:00 pm Room 123
ETDS Learning
Richard Oudkerk (Warwick)
Perturbation of Z a Z + Z3

Tuesday, 10 February, 1998 4:00 pm Room 1
Paul Cooper (Warwick)
Lagrangian Submanifolds in Fedosov Quantisation

Wednesday, 11 February, 1998 1:00 pm Room 26
Mechanics and Symmetry
Mark Roberts (Warwick)
Local normal forms for symplectic G-manifolds (continued)

Thursday, 12 February, 1998 10:00 am Room 26
Algebraic Geometry
Stravos Papadakis (Warwick)
Cohomology of Sheaves

Friday, 13 February, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
A.Fokas (Imperial College, London)
Integrability: from d' Alembert to Lax

Monday, 16 February, 1998   Room MI 2
Singularities and Filaments
(Organiser: Chris Bowman)

Monday, 16 February, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W DAY Singularities & Filaments
David Chillingworth (Southampton)
Singularities and solutions of nonlinear equations

Monday, 16 February, 1998 3:45 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W DAY Singularities & Filaments
Igor Aronson (Argonne National Labs, Chicago)
The dynamics of vortex lines in the three-dimensional complex Ginzburg Landau equation: instability, stretching, entanglement, an helices

Monday, 16 February, 1998 4:45 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W DAY Singularities & Filaments
Nick Manton (Cambridge)
2-D Dynamics of Vortices in Superconductors

Tuesday, 17 February, 1998 2:00 pm Room 123
ETDS Learning
Felipe Gonzalez (Warwick)
Hausdorff Dimensions of Julia Sets

Tuesday, 17 February, 1998 3:15 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Ben Mestel (Exeter)
Feigenbaum theory for unimodal maps with asymmetric critical point

Tuesday, 17 February, 1998 4:00 pm Room 1
Santos Asin Lares (Warwick)
Projectable star products

Wednesday, 18 February, 1998 12:00 pm Room 26
Mechanics & Symmetry
Mark Roberts (Warwick)
Local normal forms for symplectic G-manifolds (continued)

Thursday, 19 February, 1998 10:00 am Room 26
Algebraic Geometry
Alastair Craw (Warwick)
Sheaf Cohomology V

Friday, 20 February, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Graeme Segal (Cambridge)
Integrable systems

Monday, 23 February, 1998 1:00 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Days MiMI Local Research Seminar
Richard Mott (Smith Kline Beecham)
TBA (Topic: Genetics/bioinformatics)

Monday, 23 February, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Days MiMI Local Research Seminar
James Nokes (Warwick, Biology)
Epidemiology of vaccination

Monday, 23 February, 1998 3:15 pm Room MI 1
Geometry and...........
Jonathan Munn (Warwick)
A-Twistin' an' A-Spinnin'

Monday, 23 February, 1998 3:30 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Days MiMI Local Research Seminar
Henry Wynn (Warwick, Statistics)
A taxonomy of risk models

Tuesday, 24 February, 1998 3:15 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Stefano Luzzatto (Warwick)
Invariant measures for some 1-dimensional maps

Tuesday, 24 February, 1998 4:00 pm Room 1
Y. Maeda (Keio University)
The Group of Quantum Diffeomorphisms

Thursday, 26 February, 1998 2:00 pm Room 2
Dr J J Graham (Imperial College, London)
A Positive Markov Trace for Iwahori-Hecke Algebras

Friday, 27 February, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Richard Borcherds (Cambridge)
Monstrous Lie algebras

Monday, 2 March, 1998 4:30 pm Room 2
Geometry and..........
Mark Gross (Warwick)
Background to Wiles; ell-adic representations (continued)

Tuesday, 3 March, 1998 3:15 pm Room 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Yuji Ito (Japan)

Tuesday, 3 March, 1998 4:00 pm Room 1
John Rawnsley (Warwick)
From Algebras to Sheaves in Deligne

Wednesday, 4 March, 1998 3:15 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic Geometry
Shigeru Mukai (Nagoya and Warwick)
Introduction to Geometric Invariant Theory

Thursday, 5 March, 1998 10:00 am Room 26
Algebraic Geometry
Thomas Fangel (Warwick)
Higher Direct Images of Sheaves

Friday, 6 March, 1998 12:00 pm  
COW Weekend
See separate annnouncement

Friday, 6 March, 1998 2:00 pm Room GLT 3
The Teaching & Learning Colloquium
A Newell, T Hawkes, A Stibbard, R Tribe (Warwick)
In-House Innovations

Monday, 9 March, 1998 2:00 pm Room GLT 2
MIR@W Days Making up Minds
Ian Stewart (Warwick, Mathematics)

Monday, 9 March, 1998 2:15 pm Room GLT 2
MIR@W Days Making up Minds
Patrick Bateson (Cambridge, Animal Behaviour)
What made minds evolve?

Monday, 9 March, 1998 2:45 pm Room GLT 2
MIR@W Days Making up Minds
Helena Cronin (LSE)
Sex, scenery and the human mind: the evolution of aesthetic preference

Monday, 9 March, 1998 4:00 pm Room GLT 2
MIR@W Days Making up Minds
Margaret Boden (Sussex, Philosophy & Psychology)
How do minds create?

Monday, 9 March, 1998 4:30 pm Room GLT 2
MIR@W Days Making up Minds
Richard Gregory (Bristol, Psychology)
How can mind be computational, if the brain isn't a computer?

Monday, 9 March, 1998 5:00 pm Room GLT 2
MIR@W Days Making up Minds
Jack Cohen (Warwick, Mathematics)

Monday, 9 March, 1998 5:15 pm Room GLT 2
MIR@W Days Making up Minds
Chaired by Alan Newell (Warwick, Mathematics)

Wednesday, 11 March, 1998 3:15 pm Room GLT 1
Algebraic Geometry
Shigeru Mukai (Nagoya and Warwick)
Introduction to Geometric Invariant Theory (continued)

Wednesday, 11 March, 1998 4:00 pm Room 26
Teaching & Learning Colloquium
Lara Alcock (Institute of Education, Warwick)
'First Years Behaving Badly? - A maths education perspective

Thursday, 12 March, 1998 10:00 am Room 26
Algebraic Geometry
Alastair Craw (Warwick)
Kodaira's Vanishing Theorem

Friday, 13 March, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
John Coates (Cambridge)
Elliptic Curves

Tuesday, 17 March, 1998 3:15 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Kevin Pilgrim (Cornell)
Dessins D'Enfants and Hubbard Trees

Wednesday, 18 March, 1998 12:00 pm Room 26
Mechanics & Symmetry
John Rawnsley (Warwick)
Properties of Coadjoint Actions

Friday, 24 April, 1998 12:00 pm Room MI 2
Hyperbolic geometry and geometric group theory
Christos Kourouniotis (Crete and Kings College, London)
Complex lengths and symplectic structure on quasi-fuchsian space

Friday, 24 April, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 1
John Rawnsley (Warwick)
Quantisation of Poisson Manifolds after Kontsevich, I

Friday, 24 April, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Viviane Baladi (Geneva)
Analysing the statistics of dynamics: success and limitations of the spectral approach

Friday, 1 May, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 1
John Rawnsley (Warwick)
Quantisation Ala Kontsevich, I

Wednesday, 6 May, 1998 3:30 pm Room 26
Teaching and Learning Colloquium
Wilfred Cockcroft
Cockcroft Revisited

Thursday, 7 May, 1998 2:00 pm Room 2
Bruce Westbury (Warwick)
Diagrams and Centralizer Algebras

Friday, 8 May, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Nick Trefethen (Oxford)
Schwarz-Christoffel mapping, Green's functions, and polynomial approximations

Monday, 11 May, 1998 3:05 pm Room 1
Rita Gaio (Warwick)
Moment Maps and Symplectic Reduction

Monday, 11 May, 1998 4:30 pm Room 1
David Calderbank (Warwick)
Low-Dimensional Geometries

Thursday, 14 May, 1998 2:00 pm Room 2
Roger Carter (Warwick)
Irreducible characters of unitriangular groups over finite fields (following Andre).

Thursday, 14 May, 1998 4:00 pm Room 26
Fluid Dynamics
Basil Nicolaenko (Arizona State University)
The Asymptotic Regimes and the Strongly Stratified Limit of Rotating Boussinesq Equations

Friday, 15 May, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Eugene Benilov (Warwick)
On the existence of solitary-wave solutions to kdV-type equations

Monday, 18 May, 1998 1:30 pm Room MI 1
MIR@W Mathematics & Business Studies - Learning from each other
David Rand (Warwick)
The mathematics of Darwinian and organisation ecology

Monday, 18 May, 1998 1:30 pm Room MI 1
MIR@W Mathematics & Business Studies - Learning from each other
David Elworthy (Warwick)
Stochastic Deviations

Monday, 18 May, 1998 1:30 pm Room MI 1
MIR@W Mathematics & Business Studies - Learning from each other
Sebastian van Strien (Warwick)
Stoch-markets, random walks and dynamical systems

Monday, 18 May, 1998 3:45 pm Room MI 1
MIR@W Mathematics & Business Studies - Learning from each other
Robin Wensley (Business School, Warwick)
20 Questions

Tuesday, 19 May, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory
Paul Glendinning (QMW London)
Mode-locking and strange non-chaotic attractors in quasi-periodically forced systems

Wednesday, 20 May, 1998 3:30 pm Room 26
Teaching and Learning Colloquium
David Burghes (Exeter)
Maths teaching - lessons from around the world

Wednesday, 20 May, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 1
Stochastic Analysis
M. Kleptsyna (Moscow)
Homogenisation of random parabolic operators

Wednesday, 20 May, 1998 5:00 pm Room SO.21
History and Philosophy of Science
David Fowler (Warwick)
Did Pythagoras discover that √2 is irrational

Friday, 22 May, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Andreas Knauf (Max-Planck-Institute, Leipzig)
Motion in Periodic Potentials

Tuesday, 26 May, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Ergodic Theory
Linda Keen (CUNY)
Ergodicity for a class of meromorphic functions

Wednesday, 27 May, 1998 4:00 pm Room 26
Fluid Dynamics
Sergey Nazerenko (Warwick)
Computing 2D Turbulence Better at the Same Resolution

Friday, 29 May, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Igor Rivin (Warwick)

Tuesday, 2 June, 1998 11:00 am Room MI 1
Topology/combinatorial group theory
Peter Scott (Michigan)
Intersection numbers in group theory as obstructions to splittings

Tuesday, 2 June, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI2
Ergodic Theory
Lambros Lambrou (Warwick)
Substitution subshifts and interval exchange maps.

Friday, 5 June, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Hyperbolic Geometry
Jose Seade (U.N.A. de Mexico/Oxford)
Kleinian groups on complex projective spaces

Friday, 5 June, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Colin Sparrow (Cambridge)
Theory and applications of non-expansivc maps

Monday, 8 June, 1998 1:30 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Numerical Methods in Mathematical Biology
Markus Kirkilionis (Warwick)
Introduction - Time-integration and continuation methods used to solve biological problems

Monday, 8 June, 1998 2:15 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Numerical Methods in Mathematical Biology
Rob Clother (Leeds)
Bifurcation analysis of an age-structured system

Monday, 8 June, 1998 3:30 pm Room MI 2
MIR@W Numerical Methods in Mathematical Biology
Andreas Deutsch (Bonn)
Lattice-gas cellular automata as models of biological pattern formation

Monday, 8 June, 1998 4:15 pm Room 26
MIR@W Numerical Methods in Mathematical Biology
Liu Chien-Chu (Imperial College, London)
Prediction of ocean colour: Monte-Carlo simulation applied to a virtual ecosystem based on the Lagrangian ensemble method

Monday, 8 June, 1998 5:00 pm Room 26
MIR@W Numerical Methods in Mathematical Biology
Ian Totterdell (Southampton Oceanography Centre)
Embedding an ecosystem model in an ocean GCM

Friday, 12 June, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
David Dritschel (Warwick)
The spatial and spectral structure of rotating stratified turbulence

Monday, 15 June, 1998 3:05 pm Room MI 1
Diego Matessi (Warwick)
Geometric measure theory II: regularity

Monday, 15 June, 1998 4:30 pm Room MI 1
Mario Micallef (Warwick)
Minimizing volume among lagrangian submanifolds

Tuesday, 16 June, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI 2
Andras Stipsicz (Budapest)
Nuclei in 4-manifolds

Tuesday, 16 June, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Symplectic Geometry
Paul Seidel (IAS, Princeton)
The An-algebras

Thursday, 18 June, 1998 2:00 pm Room MI2
Symplectic Geometry
Yong-Geun Oh (Madison, Wisconsin)

Thursday, 18 June, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Symplectic Geometry
Paul Seidel (IAS, Princeton)
Curves on the disc

Tuesday, 23 June, 1998 4:00 pm Room MI 2
Symplectic Geometry
Paul Seidel (IAS, Princeton)
The An-hypersurface

Thursday, 25 June, 1998 3:00 pm Room MI2
Symplectic Geometry
Yong-Geun Oh (Madison, Wisconsin)
Quantization of the Eilenberg-steenrod Axious

Thursday, 25 June, 1998 4:30 pm Room MI 2
Symplectic Geometry
Paul Seidel (IAS, Princeton)
Symplectic monodromy