Advice for parents & supporters

Deciding where to study is a huge decision, and parents and supporters have a huge role to play in helping students make a choice that is right for them. We’ve gathered together some information specifically for parents and supporters to help.

General information
The University has put together information, advice and guidance for parents and guardians. The dedicated page tries to address the worries, concerns or questions that parents/guardians of prospective students may have prior to them attending Warwick.

Parents of international students
If you're a parent of an international student, there is extra information available for you. It includes a range of FAQs and links to dedicated advisers in specific countries.

Wellbeing & Student Support
The University's Wellbeing and Student Support service also has a range of resources available for parents, guardians, and supporters - covering both academic and personal issues.
Joint 19th
Warwick is joint 19th in the world for mathematics.
(QS World Rankings University by Subject 2023: Mathematics)
65% of Mathematical Sciences research classed as such.
(Research Excellence Framework 2021)
For research power & the number of 4* outputs
(Research Excellence Framework 2021)