Publications - Acute Care Interfaces
Why are some ReSPECT conversations left incomplete? A qualitative case study analysis
Real-world bleeding in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and prescribed different combinations of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) in England.
Pufulete M, Harris J, Pouwels K, Reeves BC, Lasserson D, Loke YK, Mumford A, Mahadevan K, Johnson TW.
Open Heart, August 2022
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Which treatments are safe and effective to reduce intracranial pressure following severe traumatic brain injury?
Perkins GD, Horner D, Naisbitt MJ.
BMJ, August 2022
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Location of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and automated external defibrillators in relation to schools in an English ambulance service region
Benson M, Brown TP, Booth S, Achana F, Smith CM, Price G, Ward M, Hawkes C, Perkins GD.
Resusc Plus. 2022 Jul 26;11:100279.
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Toward a more complete understanding of who will benefit from prehospital transfusion
Yazer MH, Cap AP, Glassberg E, Green L, Holcomb JB, Khan MA, Moore EE, Neal MD, Perkins GD, Sperry JL, Thompson P, Triulzi DJ, Spinella PC.
Transfusion. 2022 Aug;62(8):1671-1679.
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Implementation of ReSPECT in acute hospitals: A retrospective observational study
Hawkes CA, Griffin J, Eli K, Griffiths F, Slowther AM, Fritz Z, Underwood M, Baldock C, Gould D, Lilford R, Jacques C, Warwick J, Perkins GD.
Resuscitation. 2022 Sep;178:26-35.
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‘Community Midwives views of postnatal care in the UK; a descriptive qualitative study’
Kokab F, Jones E, Goodwin L, Taylor B, Kenyon S
Midwifery. 2021 Oct 28
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Brain injury after cardiac arrest
Perkins GD, Callaway CW, Haywood K, Neumar RW, Lilja G, Rowland MJ, Sawyer KN, Skrifvars MB, Nolan JP.
The Lancet, Volume 398, Issue 10307, P1269-1278, October 02, 2021
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No Evidence for Reduced Hospital Admissions or Increased Deaths from Stroke or Heart Attack During COVID-19
Reeves K, Watson SI, Pankhurst T, Khunti K, Gallier S, Skrybant M, Chilton PJ, Lilford RJ.
Emergency Ambulance Services for Heart Attack and Stroke During UK’s COVID-19 Lockdown
Holmes JL, Brake S, Docherty M, Lilford R, Watson S.
Randomised controlled trial of a theory-based intervention to prompt front-line staff to take up the seasonal influenza vaccine
Schmidtke KA, Nightingale PG, Reeves K, Gallier S, Vlaev I, Watson SI, Lilford RJ.
Implementation of research evidence in orthopaedics: a tale of three trials
Reeves K, Chan S, Marsh A, Gallier S, Wigley C, Khunti K, Lilford RJ.
Intrapartum‐related perinatal deaths in births planned in midwifery‐led settings in Great Britain: findings and recommendations from the ESMiE confidential enquiry
Rowe R, Draper ES, Kenyon S, Bevan C, Dickens J, Forrester M, Scanlan R, Tuffnell D, Kurinczuk JJ
BJOG. 2020 May 21
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An assets-based intervention before and after birth to improve breastfeeding initiation and continuation: the ABA feasibility RCT.
Clarke JL, Ingram J, Johnson D, Thomson D, Trickey H, Dombrowski SU, Sitch A, Dykes F, Feltham MG, MacArthur C, Roberts T, Hoddinott P, Jolly K.
"Are you doing your pelvic floor?" An ethnographic exploration of the interaction between women and midwives about pelvic floor muscle exercises (PFME) during pregnancy
Terry R, Jarvie R, Hay-Smith J, Salmon V, Pearson M, Boddy K, MacArthur C, Dean S.
Midwifery. 2020 Jan 22;83
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The ABA intervention for improving breastfeeding initiation and continuation: Feasibility study results
Clarke JL, Ingram J, Johnson D, Thomson G, Trickey H, Dombrowski SU, Sitch A, Dykes F, Feltham M, MacArthur C, Roberts T, Hoddinott P, Jolly K.
Matern Child Nutr. 2019 Dec 2
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Qualitative exploration of women's experiences of intramuscular pethidine or remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia for labour pain.
Moran VH, Thomson G, Cook J, Storey H, Beeson L, MacArthur C, Wilson M.
BMJ Open. 2019 Dec 23;9(12)
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When to induce late term pregnancies
Kenyon S, Skrybant M, Middleton L, Johnston T.
BMJ 2019; 367
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Empirical comparison of univariate and multivariate meta-analyses in Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth reviews with multiple binary outcomes.
Price MJ, Blake HA, Kenyon S, White IR, Jackson D, Kirkham JJ, Neilson JP, Deeks JJ, Riley RD.
Res Synth Methods. 2019 Sep;10(3):440-451
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Early Postnatal Discharge for Infants: A Meta-Analysis
Jones E, Taylor B, MacArthur C, Bradshaw S, Hope L, Cummins C.
Pediatrics 2020 (accepted for publication)
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A systematic review of asylum-seeking women’s views and experiences of UK maternity care.
McKnight P, Goodwin L, Kenyon S. 2019
Midwifery. 77, p. 16-23
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Synthetic social support: theorizing lay health worker interventions.
These publications are for CLARHC / ARC projects undertaken. For a more complete list of publications please see individuals websites
Gale N, Kenyon S, MacArthur C, Jolly K, Ingram L. (2018)
Social Science and Medicine. Volume 196, January 2018, Pages 96-105
Evaluation of 24/7 obstetric cover on delivery suite
Lead: Sara Kenyon
Dates: 01/06/2017 - 30/11/2019
Funding: NIHR ARC WM
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