Moodle access
WMS staff should be able to browse the majority of WMS content in Moodle. Should you find anywhere that denies you access or where you require a higher level of access, perhaps to edit some content or mark assignments, please drop an email to
including the link (URL) to help us identify where any permission changes need to be made.Moodle Categories
As previously mentioned, Moodle inherits its information from the student records system (SITS). In 2021 the SITS coding was simplified and now all courses, students and staff are coded MS.
Prior to 2020/21
The SITS coding of courses and students used to be NT, ND, NM and this defined the location of the Moodle spaces.
Taught Postgraduate & CPD (courses, modules and students coded NT).
Dentistry (courses, modules and students coded ND).
MB ChB and UG courses (courses, modules and students coded NM).
Other (add hoc Moodle spaces not SITS based and that don't fit into the above categories).