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Alina Bendt

Pronouns: They/She

Position: PhD student (4th year)

Supervisor: Prof. Sandra Chapman

Funding: STFC

Additional Roles: CFSA Computing Helper; Module Feedback Coordinator

Background: BSc Physics, University of Aberdeen, 2021 (Machine Learning to Study Disordered Systems)

Project: Solar Wind Turbulence from In-Situ Observations with Solar Orbiter

The solar wind is a stream of energetic particles from the Sun, which for example causes the aurora when interacting with Earth’s magnetosphere. In extreme cases it can severely impact satellites for example, therefore it is included in the National Risk Register. The solar wind is a low-density plasma with high Reynolds number. As in any fluid-like medium, the solar wind exhibits turbulence, a non-linear phenomenon. Turbulence can be observable in for example smoke as swirls, also called eddies. As these swirls break up into smaller swirls which again break up into smaller ones and so on, the energy of one big swirl gets transferred into smaller swirls, which forms the turbulent cascade.

Solar Orbiter, a satellite by NASA and ESA launched in 2020, which is orbiting the sun and taking measurements from within the solar wind, provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to study turbulence. As Solar Orbiter is reaching into orbits closer to the sun than ever before, we can use the solar wind as large scale laboratory for plasma dynamics to study the characteristics of turbulence and its evolution with distance from the sun. We use observations from the Magnetometer (MAG) and the Solar Wind Analyser Suite (SWA) of homogeneous turbulence intervals.

This project studies two mechanisms which are proposed to mediate the energy cascade – coherent structures and waves. To distinguish these two we are modelling and adapting current data analysis methods to apply them to the in-situ measurements.


Bendt, A., Chapman, S., and Dudok de Wit, T. (2024) The relative prevalence of wave-packets and coherent structures in the inertial and kinetic ranges of turbulence as seen by Solar Orbiter, ApJ (doi)


Meeting Date Type Content Doi
MIST Seminar 06/08/2024 Presentation Talk  
Dynamics Days 2024 Bremen 31/07/2024 Presentation    
EGU 17/04/2024 Presentation   doi
Workshop on time-series analysis of noisy data 15/09/2023 Presentation & Poster    
EGU 24/04/2023 Presentation   doi
Spring MIST 03/04/2023 Presentation   Spring MIST slides  
CFSA Seminars 25/07/2022 Presentation    
Solar Orbiter Summer School 02/06/2022 Poster    

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