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Thomas Goffrey

Position: Associate Professor

Research Interests: My research focusses on collaborative computational physics projects. Arranged by approximately increasing length scale I currently contribute to the widely used EPOCH PIC code, the radiation-hydrodynamics ALE code Odin, the exoplanet code ECLIPS3D, the coronal physics code LARE3D, and the stellar physics code MUSIC. Specifically I am interested in developing implementations of non-ideal MHD, radiation transport, and novel time-integration algorithms.

Teaching: I currently run PX917, the computational plasma physics module within the HetSys CDT. I also supervise final year projects focussing on optimising laser profiles for inertial confinement fusion experiments using the Freyja code. Please contact me if interested.

Figure: Direct-drive ICF implosion simulated with the one-dimension laser-fusion code Freyja.

Contact Details

Centre for Fusion, Space & Astrophysics
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
United Kingdom

Office: PS1.22, Physical Sciences

t dot goffrey dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk