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Warwick–NAOC Symposium on Solar RadioPhysics

University of Warwick

The Warwick–NAOC Symposium on Solar RadioPhysics will be held in PS 128 room, CFSA, Physics Department, University of Warwick, UK from 10 am to 3 pm on 30th July 2015.

The Warwick–NAOC Symposium on Solar RadioPhysics is the one-day international meeting of scientists in the radio band solar physics and fields nearby from the Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics (CFSA), Physics Department of University of Warwick and the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC). It is supported by the International Research Staff Exchange Scheme of the Seventh Fromework Programme of the European Union (FP7-IRSES-295272-RADIOSUN).


10.00-12.10 Morning session. Solar radio observations and modelling.

(Chair: Valery Nakariakov)

10.00-10.30 Chengming Tan. RadioSun observations in National Astronomical Observatory, CAS (invited).

10.30-11.00 Yin Zhang. Radio signature in the initial phase of solar activities (invited).

11.00-11.20 Dmitrii Kolotkov. Nonlinear self-oscillations of a current sheet generated by the coalescence instability. 

11.20-11.50 Jing Huang. The QPP of nonthermal emission in solar flares (invited).

11.50-12.10 David Pascoe. Standing sausage modes in curved coronal loops.

12.10-13.10 Free lunch (PS Common room).


13.10-15.10 Afternoon session. Dynamical processes in the solar atmosphere.

(Chair: Dmitrii Kolotkov)

13.10-13.40 Ivan Vasko. Structure and dynamics of current sheets in space plasma (invited).

13.40-14.10 Sijie Yu. Preliminary result of the global oscillation phenomenon in SDO/AIA observations (invited).

14.10-14.30 Christopher Goddard. Kink oscillations – a statistical study.

14.30-14.50 Anne-Marie Broomhal. Statistical tools for helioseismology.

14.50-15.10 Valery Nakariakov. Propagating magnetoacoustic waves in the corona.


Chinese Spectral Radioheliograph,

Inner Mongolia, China

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Centre for Fusion, Space and Astrophysics (CFSA)

National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC)

Scientific Organising Commitee (SOC):

Dmitrii Kolotkov (Chair) D dot Kolotkov at warwick dot ac dot uk

Valery Nakariakov (PI of the RADIOSUN Project) V dot Nakariakov at warwick dot ac dot uk

Bogdan Hnat B dot Hnat at warwick dot ac dot uk

Chengming Tan tanchm at nao dot cas dot cn