Dr Dmitrii Kolotkov
Position: Assistant Professor
PhD supervisor: Professor Valery Nakariakov
Funding: STFC Consolidated grant
PhD in Physics, CFSA, University of Warwick, UK, 2017
MSc in Electrophysics, Sarov Institute for Physics and Technology National Research Nuclear Institute "MEPhI"Link opens in a new window, Russia, 2013
MSc thesis: Supernonlinear waves in plasma
BSc in Applied Mathematics and Physics, Sarov Institute for Physics and Technology National Research Nuclear Institute "MEPhI"Link opens in a new window, Russia, 2011
BSs thesis: Nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a quantum degenerate warm plasma with dust grains
Research Interests
Theory and analysis of MHD waves and oscillations in the solar corona; MHD coronal seismology; theory of nonlinear waves and oscillations; theory and analysis of quasi-periodic pulsations in solar flares; theory of prominence oscillations; physics of solar radio bursts; analysis of non-stationary, nonlinear, and short-lived solar oscillatory signals with FFT, wavelets, and EMD; Hilbert-Huang Transform analysis; Bayesian analysis; Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) method; programming in IDL, Maple, Python.
CFSA, PS1.25
D dot Kolotkov dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk