Reference Material for Physics Skills.
- Tokamak materials:
- Tokamaks - John Wesson - Google Books
- thesis on tokamak materials: Darya Ivanova, KTH
- CRCnetBASE - Nuclear Engineering Handbook
- Fusion engineering text (chapter 24)
- Tungsten as first wall material in fusion devices
- Nuclear waste disposal:
- UNSCEAR: sources and effects of ionizing radiation (health)
- radioactive waste management
- geological waste disposal
Also see the nuclear engineering titles above.
Reprocessing, accelerator driven disposal, reactor design and operation implications?
Space Weather:
The Solar Cycle, long term effects.
Solar activity on earth.
Impacts of space weather: Communications, Health on earth (high altitude flight), sheltering of astronauts from harmful effects. Magnetic fluctuations and power grids.
Extreme events, external forcasting: gamma ray bursts and other 'long range threats'?
How is the sun and the interplanetary medium observed. Stereo probes,
Library books, eg:
Space weather [electronic resource] : physics and effects / Volker Bothmer, Ioannis A. Daglis
Bothmer, Volker. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2007.