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Emir Muhammad

About Me:

I am a first year PhD Student at the University of Warwick working on high precision measurements of electroweak properties with the LHCb detector based at CERN. I come from the tropical country known as Indonesia 🇮🇩, and am enjoy spending whatever free time I have climbing (in the UK) or scuba diving (anytime I’m near the water).

PhD Work

I am supervised by Dr. Mika Vesterinen. 

My area of research is precision measurements of Electroweak Physics, primarily focused on measuring the mass of the W and Z Bosons using the full run-II dataset of the LHCb experiment. 

I am also involved in Simulation work at LHCb, supporting the QEE Working Group by serving as its Working Group Simulation Liaison. I also contribute in development of LBMcSubmit, a tool that would allow analysts and liaisons to submit Simulation requests in a simple manner.

Teaching and University Activities

I am currently a Graduate Teaching Assistant and run physics problem classes for modules PX145 (Physics Foundations), PX148 (Classical Mechanics & Special Relativity), PX120 (Electricity and Magnetism), and PX101(Quantum Phenomena).

I am also a supporting invigilator during the exam seasons.

I’m currently the Health and Safety Officer for the PG-Student Staff Liaison Committee (PG-SSLC).


I did my undergraduate and masters degree at the University of Birmingham, with a heavy emphasis on Particle Physics. My Year 3 project was to investigate and propose upgrades to the L1 software trigger for the NA62 experiment in preparation for the High Luminosity upgrade in the near future. I spent the summer of 2020 working on ATLAS HLT algorithms, specifically the FastTrackFinder and the LargeRadiusTracking algorithms, to increase the performance of trigger at identifying displaced tracks away from the vertex.

My masters project was based on analysing Higgs decays at the Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC), a proposed upgrade of the LHC dedicated to studying ep collisions. This project focused on investigating the strength and precision of the H->ZZ->4l decay channel using Deep Inelastic Scattering production methods, which revealed that the LHeC could achieve comparable precision with ATLAS results.

Me scuba diving in Bali

Contact Details:

Office: PS004
