Elementary Particle Physics Seminars
(Seminars are on Thursday at 16:00)
Organisers/Contact: Karolos Potamianos and Mika Vesterinen
Summer term 2025
26 June | ||
19 June | ||
12 June | ||
5 June | ||
29 May | ||
22 May | Vladimir Vava Gligorov (LPNHE/CNRS) | Mirages, Oases, Mountains: a journey through the Standard Model |
15 May | ||
8 May | ||
1 May | ||
24th April |
Spring term 2025
13 March | Lars Henkelmann (Cambridge) | TBD (y+J resonance search with mZ' < 100 GeV) |
6 March | ||
27 Feb | Niall McHugh (Glasgow) | Charm mixing and CP violation at LHCb |
20 Feb | Paul Harrison (Warwick) | Quark Mass Matrices and the Unitarity Triangle |
13 Feb | Adriana Milic (CERN) | Expanding the ATLAS discovery potential |
6 Feb | ||
30 Jan | Stephen Maple (Birmingham) | Tracking with the ePIC detector at the EIC |
23 Jan | Andrew Pilkington (Manchester) | FCC-hh |
16 Jan | Jack Shergold (IFIC, Valencia) | Hunting for the cosmic neutrino background |
9 Jan | Elliot Reynolds (Kansas) | Probing the associated production of the Higgs boson and charm quarks at ATLASLink opens in a new window |
Autumn term 2024
5 December | No seminar | |
28 November | Josh Bendavid (MIT) | Measurement of the W boson mass at CMSLink opens in a new window |
21 November | Joel Swallow (INFN - Frascati) | New measurement of the K+ -> pi+nunu decay by the NA62 ExperimentLink opens in a new window |
14 November | Alexander Booth (QMUL) | NOvA neutrino oscillation resultsLink opens in a new window |
7 November | Alex Keshavarzi (Manchester) | The Proton EDM ExperimentLink opens in a new window |
31 October | Chris Pollard (Warwick) | Likelihood-free inference: what does it mean, why should you care, and where are the dragons? |
24 October | Andrew Blue (Glasgow) | ATLAS ITk StripsLink opens in a new window |
17 October | Paul Newman (Birmingham) | The Electron-Ion ColliderLink opens in a new window |
10 October | Mo Ghani (Warwick) | Student presentation |
3 October | Brij Kishor Jashal (RAL PPD) | Triggering new discoveries: Advancements in Real-Time Analysis for Expanding Physics Reach at LHCbLink opens in a new window |
Summer term 2024
27 June | Lorenzo Paolucci (Warwick) | Student presentation |
20 June | Farida Fassi (Mohammed V) | African Strategy For Fundamental and Applied PhysicsLink opens in a new window |
13 June | Patrick Knights (Birmingham) |
Searching for light-dark matter with NEWS-GLink opens in a new window |
6 June | Ethan Lewis Simpson (Manchester) | Entangled in Tops: How we turned the LHC into the world’s largest quantum information experiment |
30 May | No seminar | |
23 May | Gareth Bird (Cambridge) | Heavy Neutral Leptons and Slow-Moving Particles at ATLASLink opens in a new window |
16 May | Emir Muhammad (Warwick) | Student presentation |
9 May | Stefano Vergani (UCL) | ANITA and PUEO |
2 May | Alex Gilman (Oxford) | BES-III |
25th April | Bruce Mellado (Witwatersrand, iThemba LABS) | New scalars at the EW scale? |
Spring term 2024
14 March | No seminar | |
7 March | Angela Romano (Birmimgham) | HIKE |
29 Feb | No seminar | |
22 Feb | Raul Rabadan (Warwick) | LHCb results |
15 Feb | Stefan Schacht (Manchester) | Theory of Charm CP Violation |
8 Feb | Sarah Williams (Cambridge) | The Future Circular Collider as a Higgs/top/EW Factory: status and plans for FCC-ee |
1 Feb | Roxanne Guenette (Manchester) | Searching for Majorana neutrinos with NEXTLink opens in a new window |
25 Jan | Javira Altmann (Monash) | Hadronisation in Pythia |
18 Jan | Jan Kretzschmar (Liverpool) | News from the W boson |
11 Jan | Afroditi Papadopoulou (Argonne) | Exclusive proton final-states and kinematic imbalance in differential neutrino cross sections with the MicroBooNE detector |
Autumn term 2023
7 December | No seminar | No seminar |
30 November | Thomas Teubner (Liverpool) | g-2 theory |
23 November |
Danny Van-dyk (IPPP Durham) |
The Phenomenology of Rare b → sl+l− Decays |
16 November | Matt LeBlanc (Manchester) | Precision jet measurements with ATLAS |
9 November | Maria Ubiali (Cambridge) |
Parton Distribution Functions |
2 November | Brian Foster (Oxford) | HALHF |
26 October | Anja Beck (Warwick) | Rare b-baryon decays: how to study penguins in the jungle |
19 October | Josh Mcfayden (Sussex) | |
12 October | Daria Santone (Oxford) | Darkside 20k |
5 October | Ce Zhang (Liverpool) | g-2 |
Summer term 2023
All seminars are in MAS2.05/2.06 this term, unless otherwise indicated.
29 June | Postponed to next term | |
22 June | Karol Krizka (Birmingham) | Muon collider |
15 June | Giuseppe Salamanna (Rome) | Status and Prospects of LEGEND |
8 June | Isobel Mawby (Warwick) | DUNE |
1 June | postponed to next term | |
25 May (B2.02) | Kang Yang (Oxford) | Differential cross-section measurements from ProtoDUNE |
18 May | No seminar | |
11 May | No seminar | |
4 May | Jonathan Burr (Cambridge) | Anubis |
27 April | Robert Ward (Birmingham) | Exclusive decays of the Higgs and Z bosons to a meson and a photon at ATLAS |
Spring term 2023
All seminars are in MAS2.05/2.06 this term. Seminar on 19th Jan is coordinated with Birmingham.
16 March | Nicole Skidmore (Manchester) | LHCb |
9 March | Karolos Potamianos (Warwick) | Vector Boson Scattering to Unravel EWSB and Probe BSM PhysicsLink opens in a new window |
2 March | No seminar | |
23 Feb | Keri Vos (Maastricht) | Solving Beautiful Puzzles |
16 Feb | No seminar | -- |
9 Feb | Martin Tat (Oxford) | New model independent measurement of the CKM angle gamma with LHCb |
2 Feb | Chris Brady (Warwick) | File IO and Network IO challenges and solutions |
26 Jan | Laura Gonella (Birmingham) | Novel Silicon Tracker Technologies for the HL-LHC and beyond |
19 Jan | Mathieu Perrin-Terrin (Marseille) | NuTag |
12 Jan | Iwan Morton-Blake (Oxford) | TRIDENT: A Next-Generation Neutrino Telescope in the South China Sea |
Autumn term 2022
8 December (P 5.23) |
Andy Chappell (Warwick) | Neutrino interaction vertex reconstruction at DUNE |
1 December (MAS 2.05/6) | Matthew McCullough (CERN) | The Higgs boson under a microscope |
24 November (MAS 2.05/6) | No seminar | |
17 November (MAS 2.05/6) | Linda Cremonesi (QMUL) | Neutrino oscillation analyses (and much more) at the NOvA experiment |
10 November (MAS 2.05/6) | Joe Davighi (Zurich) | Theory talk on anomalies and model building |
3 November (MAS 2.05/6) | Seminar postponed to January | -- |
27 October (MAS 2.05/6) | No seminar | -- |
20 October (MAS 2.05/6) | Stefano de Capua (Manchester) | LHCb's upgraded VELO |
13 October (MAS 2.05/6) | Luismi Garcia (Warwick) | |
6 October (MAS 2.05/6) | Asher Kaboth | LZ |
Summer term 2022
30 June (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) | Pete Millington (Manchester) | Destigmatising modified gravity |
23 June (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) | Harry Cliff (Cambridge) | Rare B decay results from LHCb, and public engagement |
16 June (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) | No seminar | |
9 June (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) | Jesse Liu (Cambridge) | ATLAS PbPb -> tautau |
2 June (no seminar) | -- Spring Bank Holiday in UK -- | --- |
26 May (VIRTUAL) | Zuzana Gruberová (Charles Uni., Prague) | Belle II |
19 May (PS0.17) | Tom Neep (Birmingham) | Rare Event Searches with Gaseous detectors |
12 May (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) | Chris Hays (Oxford) | CDF W mass measurement |
5 May (PS0.17) | Matt Kenzie (Warwick) | Custom Orthogonal Weight functions (COWs) |
28 April (MAS 2.05 & 2.06) | Paschal Coyle (CPPM Marseille) |
Spring term 2022 (L3 in the science concourse and/or virtual)
17 March | Menglin Xu (Warwick) | Neutral current Drell-Yan angular coefficients at LHCb |
10 March (virtual) | Dan Craik (MIT) | Intrinsic charm and Z+charm at LHCb |
3 March (in person) | Alex Gilman (Oxford) | BES-III: Leptonic and semileptonic decays of charmed hadrons |
24 Feb (in person) | Andrew Chisholm (Birmingham) | Exploring the Higgs boson's coupling to the charm quark with the ATLAS experiment |
17 Feb (in person) | Steve Dennis (Cambridge) | Microboone |
10 Feb (virtual) | Arnau Brossa Gonzalo (Warwick) | Charmless B hadron decays |
3rd Feb (in person) | Jack Shergold (IPPP Durham) | Relic neutrinos at accelerator experiments |
27th Jan (in person in L3) | Ken Mimasu (Kings) | EFT |
20th Jan (in person in L3) | Giovanni Barontini (Birmingham) | QSNET |
13th Jan (virtual) | Ipsita Ray (IIT Guwahati) | New physics in neutral current b to s decays |
Autumn term 2021
9 December (mode TBD) | Matt Kenzie (Warwick) | The CKM angle gamma |
2 December | ||
25 November (in person) | Gavin Morley (Warwick) | Quantum gravity test |
18 November (in person) | Eleanor Jones (Warwick) | b-tagging and its applications in H->bb decays at ATLAS |
11 November (virtual) | Felix Kling (DESY) | Forward Physics Facility |
4 November (in person) | Fernando Abudinen (Warwick) | Recent B-physics results and prospects at Belle II. |
28 October (virtual) | Philip Sommer (Sheffield) | Probing the electroweak sector with single- and multiboson measurements at the LHC |
21 October (in person) | Ashlea Kemp (Queen's and RHUL) | DEAP3600 |
14 October (virtual) | Miaoyuan Liu (FNAL) | Accelerated machine learning for triggering |
7 October (virtual) | Vanya Belyaev (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" (ITEP) (RU)) | Double charmed tetraquark |
Summer term 2021 [virtual seminars]
1 July | Ross Hunter (Warwick) | Measurement of the W mass with LHCb |
24 June | Clara Nellist (Radboud, Nikhef) | ATLAS four top production |
17 June | Guy Wilkinson (Oxford) | 91 GeV revisited |
10 June | Mark Scott (Imperial) | Long base-line neutrino oscillation physics in Japan |
3 June | Gino Isidori (Zurich) | B physics anomalies and the flavour problem |
27 May | Christoph Royon (Kansas) | Measuring intact protons at the LHC: from the odderon discovery to the search for axion like particles |
20 May | Gavin Hesketh (UCL) | g-2 |
13 May | Christine Aidala (Michigan) | The hazy sea of QCD |
6 May | Katherine Pachal (Duke) | Probing the lifetime frontier with the ATLAS detector |
29 April | Mick Mulder (CERN) | New results on rare B-meson decays and anomalies from LHCb |
Spring term 2021 [virtual seminars]
18 March | Paolo Agnes (Houston) | Darkside |
11 March | Anthony Morley (CERN) | ATLAS Higgs -> llgamma and NP searches with photons |
4 March | Josh Mcfayden (Sussex) | FASER (incl. FASERnu) |
25 Feb | Jost Migenda (KCL) (invitation extended to astro) | Neutrino Astronomy with Hyper-Kamiokande |
18 Feb | Laurence Nevay (Royal Holloway) | Bridging the Machine Detector Interface |
11 Feb | Ben Kilminster (Zurich) | DAMIC |
4 Feb | Adlene Hicheur (Constantine, UFRJ Rio) | Semileptonic b decays at LHCb |
28 Jan | Sarah Malik (UCL) | Quantum computing for HEP |
21 Jan | Richard Bates (Glasgow) | Recent developments in semiconductor sensors |
14 Jan | Luis Miguel Garcia Martin (Warwick) | Radiative decays at LHCb |
Autumn term 2020 [virtual seminars]
8 October | Daniel Johnson (CERN) | Discovery of open charm tetraquark |
15 October | Evgueni Goudzovski (Birmingham) | Latest NA62 results on K->pnunubar and future prospects for kaon program |
22 October | Eluned Smith (Aachen) | LHCb B->K*mumu angular analysis |
29 October | Guennadi Borisov (Lancaster) | ATLAS LFU test with W->taunu |
5 November | Will Sutcliffe (Bonn) | Belle-II first physics and full event reconstruction |
12 November | Kristin Lohwasser (Sheffield) | ATLAS gamma gamma to WW |
19 November | Miguel Ramos Pernas (Warwick) | Search for Ks -> mumu and rare kaon decay prospects with LHCb |
26 November | Maria Brunetti (Warwick) | Event reconstruction for DUNE |
3 December | High profile result postponed to next term | |
10 December | Oleg Brandt (Cambridge) | ANUBIS experiment proposal |
Summer term 2020
25 June |
Kathrin Becker (Warwick) (VIRTUAL) | ATLAS Higgs -> tautau CP |
18 June |
Elliot Reynolds (Birmingham) (VIRTUAL) | Higgs to ZA search at ATLAS |
11 June |
Laura Harkness-Brennan (VIRTUAL) | Gamma ray detectors |
4 June |
No seminar | |
28 May |
Sarah Williams (Cambridge) (VIRTUAL) | SUSY searches |
20 May (Wednesday!) |
Kathrin Valerius (IKP Karlsruhe) (VIRTUAL) | Katrin |
14 May |
Owen Goodwin (Manchester) (VIRTUAL) | Microboone heavy neutral lepton search |
7 May |
No seminar | Original seminar postponed |
30 April |
No seminar | Original seminar postponed to Autumn term |
23 April |
No seminar | Original seminar postponed to 28 May |
Spring term 2020
12 March | Ioannis Manthos (Thessaloniki) | PICOSEC micromegas (shared with Birmingham) |
5 March | ||
27 Feb | Matteo Duranti (INFN-Perugia) | Latest results from AMS, and future cosmic ray space experiments (shared with Birmingham) |
20 Feb (17:00) | Asher Kaboth (RHUL) | T2K. (note the later start time so that we can also attend the colloquium) |
13 Feb | Samuel Webb (Imperial) | The CMS HGCal |
6 Feb | Xiaohu Sun (Manchester) | Probing the Higgs self-coupling with the ATLAS detector |
30 January | Mathew Malek (Sheffied) | Watchman |
23 January | Sneha Malde (Oxford) | BES-III results |
16 January | Patricia Magalhaes (Bristol) | Multibody hadron decay theory |
9 January | Lucian Harland-Lang (Oxford) | Parton distribution functions |
Autumn term 2019
Date | Speaker | Title (link to slides) |
5 December | Chris Rogers (RAL) |
28 November | Chris Parkinson (Birmingham) |
NA62 |
21 November | Alex Murphy (Edinburgh) |
Dark matter searches |
14 November | Adam Barton (Lancaster) | |
7 November | Eva Vilella (Liverpool) | |
31 October | Lydia Beresford (Oxford) | |
24 October | Ulla Blumenschein (QMUL) | |
17 October | Tom Neep (Birmingham) | |
10 October | Alfons Weber (Oxford) | |
3 October | Matt Kenzie (Warwick) |
2019 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
27 June | Paula Alvarez Cartelle (Imperial) |
Search for lepton universality violation in B -> Kll decays. |
13 June | Aleksei Rusov (IPPP) |
On the discovery of CP violation in charm decays |
6 June | Iacopo Vivarelli (Sussex) |
The dream calorimeter for CepC.pdf |
30 May | Behzad Hossini (Imperial) | Solid: short distance neutrino oscillations |
23 May | Miriam Watson (Birmingham) | Spinning Topspdf |
9 May | Monika Weilers (RAL) | HL-LHC and HE-LHC physics prospects Slides |
2 May | Phil Ilten (Birmingham) |
The darkside of true muonium |
25 April | Paul Frampton |
Microlensing |
7 March | Andy Chappell / Chris McNicol (Warwick) |
Measuring the neutrino CP phase & mass ordering / Search for heavy dimuon resonances + b-jetschappell seminar McNichol seminar |
28 February | Jon Coleman |
Atom interferometry |
21 February | Sebastian Trojanowski (Sheffield) |
FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHCpdf |
7 February | Ben Allanach (Cambridge) |
B-anomalies: The physics case for future colliders pdf |
17 January | Christoph Englert (Durham) | Collider Phenomenology pdf |
10 January | Thomas Koffas | Strong-Field QED pptx |
2018 Seminars
2018 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
29 November | Agni Bethani (Manchester) | Di-Higgs and related physics at ATLASagni |
22 November | Chris Sachrajda (Southampton) | Precision Flavour Physics and Lattice QCD - A path to discovering new physics |
15 November | Tim Gershon (Warwick) | Tetraquarks and pentaquarks |
1 November | Teppei Katori (QMUL) | Observation of a Significant Excess of Electron-Like Events in the MiniBooNE Short-Baseline Neutrino Experiment pdf |
25 October | Bill Murray (Warwick) | CepC and other options in collider physics |
11 October | Jim Libby (IIT Madras) | Belle II: flavour physics at the intensity frontier pdf |
28 June | Ioannis Katsioulas (Saclay) | NEWS-G dark matter search pdf |
14 June | Uta Klein (Liverpool) | Electrons for the LHC |
31 May | Todd Huffman (Oxford) | The "Multiplicity Jump"! - Finding B’s in Multi-TeV jets without tracks pptx |
24 May | Linda Cremonesi (UCL) | Hunting ultra high energy neutrinos with the ANITA experiment |
29 March | Xianguo LU (Oxford) | Neutrino Shadow Play: Neutrino interactions for oscillation measurements |
15 March | Rebecca Chislett (UCL) | The g-2 experiment at Fermilab pptx |
8 March | Kathrin Becker (Freiburg) | Higgs couplings from LHC pdf |
1 March | Susan Cartwright (Sheffield) | T2K status and results pptx |
8 February | Stewart Martin-Haugh (RAL) | Light-by-light scattering |
18 January | Nicola McConkey (Sheffield) | SBND and DUNE - state of the art liquid argon TPCs for neutrino physics |
2017 Seminars
2017 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
23 November | Simone Bifani (Birmingham) | R(K*) at LHCb |
16 November | Andreas Goudelis (LPTHE) | TBA |
2 November | Moritz Backes (Oxford) | SUSY searches at ATLAS |
26 October | Greg Ciezarek (CERN) | R(D*) at LHCb |
29 June | Nansi Andari (Birmingham) | ATLAS W mass measurement |
22 June | André Mischke (Utrecht) | Parton energy loss of heavy-quarks in hot QCD matter |
1 June | Jon Davis (Kings) | Neutrino Astronomy and Direct Detection |
25 May | Luigi Delle Rosse (Southampton) | Explanation of the 17 MeV Atomki Anomaly |
4 May | Matt Kenzie (Cambridge) | Measuring the CKM angle γ |
9 March | Neville Harnew (Oxford) | TORCH |
2 March | Maria Ubiali (Cambridge) | NNPDF |
23 February | Alan Watson (Leeds) | Pierre Auger |
9 February | Randolf Pohl (Mainz) | Proton radius puzzle |
19 January | Vitaly Kudryavtsev (Sheffield) | Dark matter searches and plans for LUX-ZEPLIN |
2016 Seminars
2016 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
21 January | Dan Johnson (CERN) | CEP at LHCb: results and prospects |
4 February | Pier-Olivier Deviveiros (CERN) | Tau Reconstruction and analyses at ATLAS |
11 February | Antonin Vacheret (Oxford) | SoLid: search for a new kind of matter with a compact composite scintillator detector |
25 February | Antony Carver (Clatteerbridge) | Cancer therapy |
17 March | Sarah Malik (Imperial College) | Review of the status and future prospects of dark matter searches at colliders |
28 April | Stephen West (RHUL) | Big Bang Synthesis of Nuclear Dark Matter |
5 May | Jason Cole (Imperial College) | Plasma wakefield acceleration |
19 May | Tim Burns (Swansea) | Tetra and pentaquark states |
26 May | Ajit Kurup (Imperial College) | COMET |
2 June | Sneha Malde (Oxford) | CKM angle gamma |
9 June | Simon Wehle (DESY) | Rare B decays at Belle |
20 October | Hamish Gordon (Leeds) | Overview of the CLOUD experiment and recent highlights |
27 October | Andrzej Szelc (Manchester) | ArgoNeuT and LArIAT: Towards Big Physics through Small LArTPCs |
17 November | David Jackson | How to Build a Unified Field Theory from One Dimension |
8 December | Mark Owen (Glasgow) | Top physics at ATLAS |
2015 Seminars
2015 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
15. January | Max Baak (CERN) | The Overall Fit to the Standard Model |
22. January | Iris Gebauer (KIT Karlsruhe) | AMS |
29. January | Richard Mudd (Birmingham) | Higgs coupling measurements with ATLAS |
15. October | Alex Martyniuk (UCL) | A search for diboson resonances at ATLAS using boson-tagged jets |
29. October | Chris Parkinson (Birmingham) | Status and prospects of the NA62 experiment |
12. November | Louis Lyons (Imperial) | Statistical Issues in Searches for New Physics |
19. November | Tim Martin (Warwick) | Global properties of inelastic pp interactions in early 13 TeV data |
26. November | Bruno Zamorano (Sussex) | Neutrino oscillation results from NOVA |
3. December | Christoph Langenbruch (Warwick) | Rare b-hadron decays |
10. December | Leigh Whitehead (UCL) | The CHIPS experiment |
2014 Seminars
2014 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
30. January | John Marshall (Cambridge) | Linear Collider |
20. February | Simon Jolly (UCL) | Proton Therapy |
6. March | Sinead Farrington (Warwick) | Higgs physics at ATLAS |
13. March | Roxanne Guenette (Oxford) | Searching for sterile neutrinos with LAr detectors |
24. April | Matt Barrett (University of Hawaii) | Particle identification at Belle II |
8. May | Stephen Farry (Liverpool) | EWK physics at LHCb |
22. May | Mitesh Patel (ICL) | Heavy Neutral Leptons |
29. May | Phil Burrows (Oxford) | The International Linear Collider Higgs Factory |
12. June | Nikolaos Rampotis (Washigton University) | Collider Searches for BSM Higgs Bosons |
3. July | Peter Skands | Modeling Hadronic Interactions in PYTHIA |
14. July | Csaba Balazs (Monash) | Thermal dark matter implies new physics below PeV |
16. October | Michal Kreps (Warwick) | Exotic spectroscopy at LHCb: Z(4430)+ |
20. November | Thomas Latham (Warwick) | Ds meson spectroscopy at LHCb |
27. November | Aurélien Benoit-Lévy (UCL) | Inflation, B-modes and dust: Planck's view on BICEP2 results |
2013 Seminars
2013 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
17. January | Mark Lancaster (UCL) | Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon |
21. February | Ryan Terri (Queen Mary) | "Understanding" Neutrino Interactions In Oscillation Experiments |
28. February | Tim Martin (Warwick) | Diffractive interaction at the LHC |
14. March | Véronique Boisvert | Top physics |
20. June | Elisa Pueschel (University of Massachusetts) | Exotics Searches at ATLAS |
27. June | David Bugg (Queen Mary) | Galaxies and Quantum Mechanics |
24. October | Alexander Lenz (Durham) | The status of flavour physics in 2013 |
30. October | Bill Murray (Warwick) | TLEP and the HL-HLC: what do they bring |
5. December | Rachel Dowdall (Cambridge) | Heavy quarks on the lattice |
2012 Seminars
2012 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
19th January | Sebastian Jaeger (Sussex) | What can we learn from B physics? |
1. February |
Michael Feindt (KIT Karlsruhe) |
NeuroBayes - Predictive Analytics for High Energy Physics and "Real Life" (Colloquium) |
16th February |
Serguei Ganjour (CEA/Saclay) |
Search for the Higgs Boson with the CMS experiment at the LHC |
17th February | David Waters (UCL) |
No-Neutrino Physics : The Search for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay |
1st March | Mark Hadley (Warwick) |
Explaining CP violation using General Relativity |
22nd March | Frank Kraus (Durham) |
Event generation for the LHC |
25. July | Alfons Weber (RAL/Oxford) |
News from the Neutrino Front (Colloquium) |
25. July |
Sinead Farrington (Warwick) |
The Search for the Higgs Boson (Colloquium) |
7. August |
Bill Murray (RAL) |
The Implications of the New Boson at the LHC (Colloquium) |
11. October | Bo Jayatilaka (Duke University) |
Precision measurement of W mass at CDF experiment |
15. November | Mitesh Patel (ICL) |
Rare decays at LHCb |
29. November | Dean Hidas |
Diamond detectors in particle physics |
6. December | Sinead Farrington (Warwick) |
2011 Seminars
2011 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
3rd February | Michal Kreps (Warwick) | Measurement of CP violation in Bs → J/ψϕ at CDF |
17th February | Glen Cowan (Royal Holloway) | Recent progress on statistical methods for LHC physics |
24th February | Mark Thomson (Cambridge) | Particle Flow Algorithms |
3rd March |
Mike Charlton (Swansea) | Trapped antihydrogen |
17th March |
Cristine Davies (Glasgow) | Lattice QCD meets experiment |
19th May | Paul Newman (Birmingham) | The Large Hadron Electron Project (LHeC) |
9th June | Michal Kreps (Warwick) | Neurobayes HOWTO |
17th November | Neil Spooner (Sheffield) |
Galactic Signatures for WIMP Dark Matter |
15th December | Peter Krizan (Ljublana) |
2010 Seminars
2010 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title | |
4th Feb. | Steve King (Southampton) | Neutrinos and the flavour problem | |
11th Feb. | Evgueni Goudsovski (Birmingham) | Precision Test of Lepton Universality at the CERN NA62 Experiment | |
18th Feb. | Paula Chadwick (Durham) | Recent results from HESS | |
11th March | Steve Chun-Hay Kom(Cambridge) | Probing mechanisms of neutrinoless double beta decay at the LHC | |
29th April | Steve Biller(Oxford) | Status of the SNO+ Project | |
11th August | Michal Kreps (Karlsruhe) | Neural networks in data analysis | |
26th August | EPP Summer Students | LHCb VELO Material, Reconstruction in Liquid Argon TPCs, Ultra Sensitive Charge Spectroscopy (video) | |
28th October | Geunnadi Borisov (Lancaster) | Possible Anomalous CP-Violation from Neutral B-Meson Mixing | |
4th November | Ryan Nichol (UCL) | Latest Results from the MINOS Experiment | |
25th November - postponed (due to illness) |
Paul Newman (Birmingham) | The Large Hadron Electron Project (LHeC) | |
9th December |
Aidan Robson (Glasgow) | Higgs Physics at the Tevatron |
2009 Seminars
2009 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title | ||||
29th Jan. | Themis Bowcock (Liverpool) | Searching for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider | ||||
5th March | Cristina Lazzeroni (Birmingham) | News from NA62 | ||||
12th March | Chris Orme(IPPP Durham) | The Phenomenology of Beta Beams | ||||
2nd April | Marcel Stanitski (RAL) | Pixel Detector Development for the ILC | ||||
23rd April | Bill Scott (RAL) | Flavour Physics | ||||
21th May | Goran Skoro (Sheffield) | Status of High Power Target R&D | ||||
16th July | Chris Parkes (Glasgow) | Status of the LHCb Vertex Locator | ||||
24th Sept | Marni Sheppeard (Oxford) | Categorical Combinatorics for Scattering Amplitudes | ||||
12th Nov | Henrique Araujo (Imperial) | Dark matter searched with Zeplin III | ||||
19th Nov | Yoshi Uchida (Imperial) | Charged lepton flavour violation | ||||
26th Nov | Andrew Pilkington (Manchester) | Diffractive physics at the LHC | ||||
10th Dec | Joerg Jaeckel (Durham) | New physics at low energies |
2008 Seminars
2008 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title | ||||
7th Feb. | Andrew Kirk ( UKAEA, Culham) | Nuclear Fusion: On Earth as it is in Heaven? | ||||
21st Feb | Chris Densham (Computer Aided Engineering, RAL) | Developments in High Power Targetry for Neutrino Beams | ||||
6th March | Stuart Green (University Hospital, Birmingham) | Developments in Radiotherapy Using Particle Beams | ||||
13th March | Matthew Barrett (Brunel University) | Investigating B->tau nu at BaBar with New Statistical Techniques | ||||
23th April | Phillip Litchfield (Warwick) | First results from analysis of MINOS Neutral Current events | ||||
24th April | Tom Latham (Warwick) | Evidence for Direct CP-Violation From a Dalitz Analysis of B -> K pi pi | ||||
1st May | Chris Hill (Bristol) | Green HEP: Doing Particle Physics with Beam Switched OFF | ||||
15th May | Geunnadi Borisov(Lancaster) | New CP-Violation Results from D0 | ||||
22nd May | Alan Watson (Leeds) | Is the Search for the Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Over? | ||||
4th Sept | Antony Carver, Martin Haigh | 2nd year graduate student seminar | ||||
2nd October | Louis Lyons (Oxford) | Do's and Dont's with Likelihood Functions | ||||
16th October | Philip Harris (Sussex) | Testing Time Reversal -- the Search for the Neutron EDM | ||||
30th October | Graham Ross (Oxford) | Theoretical models of neutrino parameters | ||||
13th November | Hans Kraus (Oxford) | Experimental status of dark matter searches |
2007 Seminars
2007 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title | |||
1st Feb | Paul D. Jackson(Roma) | Leptonic decays of the B: a rare window to New Physics | |||
1st March | John Back(Warwick) | Neutrino Factory R&D Status | |||
10th May | Morgan Wascko(Imperial) | Latest Results from MiniBooNE | |||
7th June | Sophy Palmer(IPPP Durham) | Weak Boson Fusion in the MSSM | |||
14th June | Tim Gershon(Warwick) | Super Flavour Factory | |||
21st June | Anne Green(Nottingham) | Inflation: A Status Report | |||
11th Oct | Roger Barlow(Manchester) | Results From Small Numbers | |||
18th Oct | Ryan Nichol(UCL) | Neutrino Astronomy | |||
25th Oct | Gagan Mohanty(Warwick) | Charmless Hadronic B decays at BaBar | |||
15th Nov | Jelena Ilic and Dan Roythorne | 2nd year graduate student status reports | |||
29th Nov | Jim Libby(Oxford) | UT gamma measurements: LHCb prospects with the help of CLEOc' | |||
6th Dec | John Thornby(Warwick) | AMBER:A novel approach to direct neutrino mass measurement |
2006 Seminars
2006 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title | |
2nd March | Cristina Lazzeroni (Cambridge) | Recent results from NA48 on kaon and hyperon physics | |
23rd March | Peter Norreys (RAL) | Laser Accelerators | |
4th May | David Bugg(RAL/QMUL) | Non-standard 0+ mesons | |
11th May | Byran Webber (Cambridge) | Black Holes at Accelerators | |
18h May | Mike Kordosky (UCL) | Preliminary Results Of An Accelerator Based Search For Muon-Neutrino Disappearance By The MINOS Experiment | |
25th May | Ed Hinds (Imperial) | Status of Electric Dipole Moment Experiments | |
29th June | Danielle Stewart, John Thornby | Reserved for 2nd-year postgraduate research seminars | |
12th Oct. | Tim Gershon(Warwick) | Review of the Beauty 2006 Conference, Oxford | |
16th Nov. | Claire Gwenlan(Oxford) Cancelled due to ill health | Proton Structure | |
30th Nov. | Sinead Farrington(Liverpool) | The Measurement of Bs Mixing with CDF (N.B. start at 15:00) | |
7th Dec. | Sheila Rowan (Glasgow) | Status of Gravitational Wave Searches | |
TBA | Chris Densham (RAL) | Targets for High Power Proton Beams | |
TBA | Yoshi Uchida (Imperial) | Measuring Neutrino Mixing Parameters |
2005 Seminars
2005 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
20th January | Lee Thompson (Sheffield) | Listening for Neutrinos: The ACORNE Project |
17th February | Guy Wilkinson (Oxford) | LHCb Physics Prospects and Detector Status |
21st April | Bill Murray (RAL) | Neutrino Factories and Ionisation Cooling |
9th June | Sandip Pakvasa (Hawaii) | On LSND and Shortcuts in Extra Dimensions |
20th June | Tom Weiler (Vanderbilt) | The Use of Neutrino Flavor in Astrophysics |
7th July | Steve McMahon (RAL) | ATLAS Physics Prospects and Detector Status |
5th August | Tim Gershon (KEK) | Latest results on CP violation from Belle |
6th Oct. | Ben Morgan (Warwick) | WIMP detection with directional detectors |
27th Oct. | Paul Harrison (Warwick) | Leptonic Mixings from a Variational Principle |
Nov. 3rd | Mike Pennington (IPPP Durham) | What heavy flavour decays can teach us about light meson physics and what you need to know about light quark dynamics to extract useful information from heavy flavour decays |
17th Nov. | Patrick Huber (Wisconsin) | The future of neutrino physics - The race for theta_13 |
24th Nov. | David Evans (Birmingham) | Status of the ALICE experiment at the LHC |
1st Dec. | Nigel Smith (RAL) | Searching for WIMPs in the UK |
8th Dec. | Silvia Pascoli (IPPP Durham) | Determining the neutrino mass hierachy |
2004 Seminars
2004 Seminars
Date | Speaker | Title |
26th October | Phil Burrows (Queen Mary) | The Linear Collider: Microscope on TeV-Scale Physics |
10th November, 2004 | Gary Barker, Paul Harrison, Yorck Ramachers | Neutrino Physics at Warwick (Barker, Harrison, Ramachers) |
30th November, 2005 | Kevin McFarland (Rochester) | Neutrinos: worth the wait |
2006 | Brian Foster (Oxford) | The Linear Collider |
11th Feb., 2009 | Ken Long (Imperial College) | The Neutrino Factory and MICE |