Matt Snape
About Me
I am a first-year Ph.D. Student at the University of Warwick, working in the WarTPC group which will undertake gas studies, readout development, and develop solutions to gas quality control in a High-Pressure gas TPC (HPgTPC). I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Liverpool, with my Master’s Thesis looking at the reconstruction of the W mass peak using simulated ATLAS and CMS data. During my time in Liverpool, I traveled to DESY for a one-month internship (INSERT DETAILS). I also interned at the ARIADNE experiment in Liverpool before starting my Ph.D. at Warwick.
Ph.D. Project
The DUNELink opens in a new window experiment will aim to measure neutrino oscillation more precisely than ever before. To this end, DUNE will employ a near detector (ND) and a far detector (FD). The ND will have a have its own HPgTPC which is currently being designed. For this HPgTPC that the Warwick TPC (warTPCLink opens in a new window) will be performing gas studies, readout development, and gas quality control. It will also provide R&D for the HPgTPC concept here in the UK.
Office: P450
Email: matt dot snape at warwick dot ac dot uk
Department of Physics
University of Warwick
Supervisor: Xianguo Lu