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Day 2: Automating Builds with CMake, C++ pointers, references and arrays

C++ Part 2: Pointers, References and Arrays

We carry on with the core C++ syntax, covering the key topics of pointers and references, and introducing the important new and delete operators. We continue by looking at our first data structure, arrays. (PDF Document)

Modularizing pp6calculator and Build Automation with CMake

In the second half of the day, we start to modularize the functionality in our program to make it easier to work with and give it logical structure. We then use the CMake build tool to automate the compilation of the program from the component sources, break the build down into a main applicationand an implemtation library, and finally package everything up. (PDF Document)


Resources and prerequisites

Download the FileReader library for use in the Homework.(ZIP or other archive)

Download the ObservedParticles.dat file for use in the Homework.(ZIP or other archive)

Github repository for Examples and Homework solutions

1b6fa8b: Complete pp6calculator Homework Exercise for Day 1