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Recognising achievement and success

Recognition and celebrating success


Future leaders magazine selects final year students Rowchell Green and Michael Okojie as some of the “150 of the UK’s Most Outstanding African & African Caribbean Students and New Graduates”


October 2021

Congratulations to our final year undergraduates, Rowchell Green and Michael Okojie, for being selected in the list of “150 of the UK’s Most Outstanding African & African Caribbean Students and New Graduates” by Future Leaders magazine. Rowchell is recognised for her work in Inspire, the society that tackles educational inequality in disadvantaged schools, and Micheal, for his work in Arts for Radio at Warwick, African and Caribbean Society and Black History Month. Check out more details at <> (p.44 for Rowchell, p.46 for Michael).

Rowchell's biography

Michael's profile

Profiling our research impactLink opens in a new window 
See how the work of Dr Nicole Tang has real-world impact of our research across a number of areas and demonstrating how research at the University contributes to societal challengesLink opens in a new window, including the Covid-19 pandemic. Discover how we’re working on the future.

March 2021

N Tang Impact



February 2021

E Blagrove

Warwick Institute of Engagement announces new Fellows, including Psychology's own Foundation Fellow Dr Lis Blagrove - Congratulations!

Good news
Celebrating success of finalist project in national prize competition 2020

PhD Prize
2019 PhD Faculty Thesis Prize

Professorial promotions
Celebrating Professorial Promotions 2019

We're very proud of our staff and students and all they achieve. We celebrate School achievements in a number of ways.

Communicating achievements

Our staff and student achievements are communicated in the following places:

Promoting gender issues to the wider Psychology community

2020 BSc Psychology graduate, Lily Groom has had her article "Is the lack of female representation in psychological research just an historical issues?" published in the BPS Journal, Psychology of Women and Equalities Review, Vol 31, November 2020.

See Lily's article hereLink opens in a new window.

University Awards
University Awards 2018   Warwick's University Awards take place every year, recognising teams and individuals for their fantastic achievements across several categories. Several staff and teams have been nominated in recent years and in 2018 the SMaRT project won the Team Award.

Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence
Teaching award   The Department has run a teacher of the year award, to acknowledge the talents of teaching staff.
WATE   The Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence recognise teachers (including postgraduate student teachers) and personal tutors who have gone the extra mile to make a difference to their students' learning. All students and staff are encouraged to nominate.
Postgraduate research student prizes
2017 prize 2018 prize 2019 prize
We hold an annual Postgraduate Research poster competition, where all of our postgraduate students present their work, either orally or through posters, for the rest of the Psychology Department. The prize winners are put forward for the Faculty Thesis Prize - see winners 2017 - 2019 above.
Merit Pay and Senior Performance and Remuneration Review

Together with the rest of the University of Warwick, we operate two recognition schemes to identify, recognise and reward sustained excellence of performance and contribution. Awards are made for excellent performance that contributes to the department’s ongoing improvement.

2017 Fac Thesis ceremony

CIN 2019

Team building

All Systems Operational