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Examination Results

PASS LISTS WILL BE DISPLAYED ON NOTICEBOARDS ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF UNIVERSITY HOUSE, and in academic departments, as soon as possible after Boards of Examiners meet, towards the end of the Summer Term.

Any student who DOES NOT WISH THEIR NAME TO APPEAR in the displayed Pass List MUST INFORM THEIR DEPARTMENT by no later than two weeks before the meeting of the relevant Board of Examiners.

All students who are required to take resits or withdraw will be notified by post or email (to University email addresses only).

All letters to students during the vacation will be sent to their permanent home address unless a "vacation address" form is completed at the Academic Office Enquiry Desk.

Please Note: the Academic Office can only provide confirmation of a Board of Examiners’ decision on a candidate (e.g. award degree, proceed to next year of study etc.). It will not be able immediately to provide you with details of marks gained in your individual modules; if you wish to obtain these, shortly after the Board of Examiners’ decisions are published, please refer to your department to find out its arrangements for disclosing marks.

First-year resits will be held between 1st - 5th September 2014. Students are advised not to make arrangements which will mean they are out of the country at this time.